Attention Bucket
Attention Bucket 🪣
This is an intervention designed to support children to sit and attend activities, by using the 4 stages. This helps children to sit, learn, encourage play skills and following instructions.
Stage 1 - Bucket 🪣
This bucket is filled with toys that light up,spin, make noises, make the children watch the toys and the exciting objects and what they will do.
Stage 2 - building attention.
The adult will keep the children’s attention by doing something that causes a reaction. For example. Using paint, flour, science experiments.
Stage 3 - Turn taking.
This is where there is an activity/game/ action or movement that children have to take turns and wait for their name. For example. Trampoline,bowling, counting,building.
Stage 4- copying a task.
This stage is normally completed at the table and they have to follow step by step instructions to do something. Normally something creative, games, drawing, counting,making and mark making.
This has been proven to a very successful intervention for these children.
please see the link for more ideas.