Dragon Slayer!
This term we will be reading, comparing and learning how to follow a familiar structure in order to write legends. Before writing our own legends, we will be exploring characters and dilemmas and discussing relevant punctuation and dialogue.
Lesson 3 - Thursday 7th January 2021
Lesson 2 - Wednesday 6th January 2021
Dragon Slayer
Lesson 1 - Tuesday 5th January 2021
Hook Lesson
Do you think dragons are real?
Write a few sentences about what you already know about dragons (don't worry if you think you don't know anything. We will be learning about dragons)
Please watch the video clip that shows a dragon sighting in Louisville (in America) -
After watching the video write a paragraph to show what you think should be done about the dragons.
Your writing should be in the role of one of the following (this means you need to pretend you are one of the following people below) ...
A Louisville police officer, A Zoologist (an animal expert) OR a person living in Louisville.