HIgh quality teaching and additional support to access the curriculum
The needs of children are met through Quality First teaching which differentiates the broad and balanced curriculum we offer at Marsh Green to meet the individual needs of children appropriately. Additional provision is made where children need further support to access the curriculum.
We have internal processes for monitoring quality of provision and assessment of need as part of the Performance Management cycle, termly reviews and monitoring of the impact and outcomes of interventions.
- Your child’s needs will be met within the class, supported by high quality teaching, including lesson planning that takes account of the needs of each child.
- The progress of all children is reviewed on a regular basis.
- If it is felt your child needs more support, we will meet to discuss the next appropriate steps. Children who we are a little bit worried about are monitored closely. Children who require further support are placed on Special Educational Needs Register. As part of this process, by talking to you and your child and with possible input from outside agencies (e.g Speech Therapists), the class teacher, SENDCo and yourselves will develop a plan of support for your child, setting appropriate targets. This will be reviewed at least three times a year to ensure that support remains appropriate.
- We recognise the important role of outside agencies, who bring specialist skills and knowledge to support children, parents and staff. Where necessary the school may seek support from these outside services. This will always be discussed with you and a referral made with your permission.
- The governing body is responsible for ensuring that funding is used appropriately, and for monitoring teaching and accessibility. There is a designated SEND Governor who works with the SENDCo and the Head Teacher.
Curriculum Differentiation
- Lessons are pitched appropriately so that all children can learn and progress.
- Teachers take account of the needs of the individual child and plan different tasks and materials appropriately.
- Tracking and assessment enables each class teacher to analyse the progress of the child.
- This is discussed in assessment meetings, which are held three times a year, with members of the Senior Leadership Team, SENDCo and Class teachers to discuss suitable teaching programmes for each child. These are also discussed with parents
- Learning targets for your child are reviewed three times a year with yourself, the child, the SENDCo and Class teacher. New programmes or support is organised as necessary, leading to personalised learning. However we would encourage you to contact the school at any time you feel it necessary to arrange a meeting and discuss your child’s needs. The class teacher would your first point of contact.
- Children work in a variety of groupings, such as small supported groups, 1:1, mixed ability and similar ability groups.
- Some children will have additional support through group or individual interventions. Parents/ carers will be informed if your child is taking part in any interventions.
School Trips
- We make sure that activities outside the classroom and school trips are available to all.
- Risk assessments are carried out for each trip and suitable adjustments are made to ensure accessibility. This could include an increase in the number of adults are made available to accompany the pupils, with 1:1 support if necessary.
- Parents/carers are invited to accompany their child on a school trip if this ensures access
- After school clubs are available to all pupils.
The following table demonstrates our graduated response to support.
Area of need | Wave 1 Inclusive quality first teaching for all
| Wave 2 Small groups: additional interventions to secure age-related expectations
| Wave 3 Individual: targeted and personalised interventions |
Cognition and Learning | High levels of challenge and expectation Differentiated curriculum planning and engaging activities Formative assessment / effective feedback In-class TA support In-class targeted teacher support Differentiated questioning / modelling/ explaining Increased visual aids e.g. Visual timetables Use of writing frames Support for key words / subject specific vocab Access to ICT, including word processor Revision sessions | Small group sessions in grammar Small group booster sessions in Mathematics Small group booster sessions in English Priority daily readers Additional small group phonic sessions Additional small group guided reading In-class TA support Additional small groups to support visual and auditory memory In-class targeted teacher support Individual support plans for pupils At least two meetings a year with parents /carers and pupils to monitor and assess support
| Individual strategies outlined on EHCP Reduced/increasingly personalised timetable Small group or 1:1 literacy/ numeracy support Additional support for transition e.g. extra visits Support from an external agency where appropriate e.g. Educational Psychology, advisory teachers On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents / carers and pupils (including the Annual Review) High level of adult support in school
Communication and Interaction
| High levels of challenge and expectation Differentiated curriculum planning and engaging activities Formative assessment / effective feedback In-class TA support In-class targeted teacher support Differentiated questioning / modelling/ explaining Learning through talk and discussion Use of simplified or alternative language Support for key words / subject specific vocab Increased visual aids e.g. Visual timetables Use of symbols Speaking and listening opportunities in lessons Careful use of seating plans | In class support from teacher or TA with focus on supporting speech and language Early speech and language therapy referrals Speech and language group support - -- speech link (KS1) - infant language link (KS1) - junior language link (KS2) -Nuffield Early Language (NELI)-(EYFS) Transition support Individual support plans for pupils At least two meetings a year with parents/carers and pupils to monitor and assess support
| Individual strategies outlined on Pupil EHCP Small group or 1:1 support for language Social skills group Speech and Language Services support Social stories Additional support for transition e.g. extra visits On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents/carers and pupils (including the Annual Review) High level of adult support in school |
Social, emotional, mental Health | High levels of challenge and expectation Formative assessment / effective feedback Whole school behaviour policy / Whole school rules Whole school reward and sanctions systems Circle Time Lunchtime club PSHE focused work Designated Safeguarding team Careful use of seating plans | Small group sessions for pupils Transition support Regular check-ins with allocated staff member In class support for individual targets Individual support plans for pupils At least two meetings a year with parents/carers and pupils to monitor and assess support
| Individual strategies outlined on Pupil EHCP Small group or 1:1 support for social skills and emotional regulation Individual support or mentoring Individual reward system On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents/carers and pupils (including the Annual Review) High level of adult support in school |
Sensory and/or physical | High levels of challenge and expectation Formative assessment / effective feedback Flexible teaching arrangements Staff aware of implications of physical impairment Specialist resources e.g. Writing slopes, Pencil grips, cushions Motor skills development in EYFS Improved accessibility of building | Additional fine motor skills Careful use of seating plans Support from advisory services Individual support plans for pupils At least two meetings a year with parents/carers and pupils to monitor and assess
| Individual strategies outlined on Pupil EHCP Individual support in class during appropriate Medical support Support from an external agency where appropriate e.g. Occupational Therapist On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents/carers and pupils (including the Annual Review) Staff trained for specific pupil where appropriate |
- The whole school site is wheelchair accessible.
- We have disabled toilets that are large enough to accommodate changing and suitable for wheelchair users.
- Visual timetables are used in all classrooms.
- Each class has a visualiser. This magnifies the computer screen, books, other written work so it is clear for all.
- Additional modifications are made where necessary including; worksheets printed on blue paper, etc.