Learning Wonders
27.5.21 - Focus Week - Plastic Pollution (S. T. O. P. - Save The Oceans from Plastic!)

Focus Week - What a load of rubbish! Let’s learn about recycling and how we can look after our planet!

20.5.21 - We listened to music while we sketched and painted our wild flowers 💐 🌸 🌺

2GC’s trip to our local park for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.

We reconnected with nature as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.
Our positive affirmations

17.11.20 - 2GC Class Party 🎉 🎈 🎊

17.11.20 - 2GC Christmas Party dancing in class!

Sparkle and Shine ⭐️ 💫

Let’s dance...

The Kindness Song

Black History Month
Ready Steady Mo - Read Aloud Bedtime Story
Written by Mo Farah. Read aloud in a British accent.
The Life of Mary Seacole part 1 (of 3) | The Victorians | BBC Teach
The life of Mary Seacole life is told in three short video episodes. Mary tells of her early life in Jamaica, and how her mother, a famous healer, taught her...
The Life of Mary Seacole part 2 (of 3) | The Victorians | BBC Teach
Mary has built the 'British Hotel', which is closer to the battlefield than Florence Nightingale's hospital. She describes how she treated the wounded soldie...
The Life of Mary Seacole part 3 (of 3) | The Victorians | BBC Teach
After the war had ended Mary describes how she couldn't sell the British Hotel, so just had to pack up and leave, with many debts. Back in London, she couldn...