These are the staff you will meet in the nursery. Please come and talk to any of us about your needs, concerns or questions. Don't forget to sign up for ParentMail and 2Simple for the latest information.
Please make sure your child has a named set of spare clothes. We have a very limited supply of spare clothes if your child gets wet. Please return any clothes your child is wearing, that belong to school, as soon as possible. Thank you
Celebrating Pancake day: morning nursery
We are learning about being healthy. We talked about healthy toppings for our pancakes. Banana was the favourite choice.
Celebrating pancake day: afternoon nursery
The children made fruit tarts by rolling and cutting the pastry, then choosing a filling of strawberry or apple. The tarts were delicious!
Christmas party Morning nursery
The children had great fun at the Christmas parties. Favourite activities were balloons and bubbles, followed by dancing and games. We had lots of lovely party food. Thank you for all your contributions and also the lovely cards and presents. All the nursery staff, wish you all, a very happy Christmas.
Christmas party - afternoon nursery
The Christmas concert - morning nursery
We practiced the songs and actions every day, so the children were fantastic at the performance. We hope you enjoyed it
The Christmas concert - afternoon nursery
Phonics in Nursery
What is phonics?
Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.
How do we teach phonics in nursery?
We begin by teaching the children to listen to sounds - sounds in stories and rhymes and sounds around them.
Listening to a story, identifying and making different sounds.
We walked around the school. We heard lots of different sounds, including rain, footsteps, doors, children talking, teachers talking, and a bell.
We listen to the sounds different musical instruments make and play them loudly and softly, fast and slow.
Thank you for your support raising money for Children in Need.
Outdoor play - Morning Nursery
The nursery children play outside every day. They develop physical skills but they also learn to play and share with their friends. They have to wait and take turns. They also count, write, read, play music, dance, imagine, create and explore.
Please make sure your child bring a coat to school every day and is wearing correct school shoes. If it is cold they need a hat and gloves. If it is wet, a change of trousers is helpful, because they love to jump in puddles!
All clothing needs to be named - especially gloves. If we don't know who things belong to, we can't give them back when we find them.
Outdoor play - afternoon nursery
Icing Biscuits Morning Nursery
The children chose the icing to put on their biscuit. Then they chose the sprinkles. They were very happy with the creations that they made!
Icing Biscuits Afternoon Nursery
We had a great first week!