Parents information
School Expectations:
- Every child must come in to school wearing the correct uniform, and school shoes.
- Everyday, your child needs to bring in a named water bottle. All water bottles should be going home to be cleaned, refilled and brought back into school the next day.
- Please label your child’s uniform and belongings with their name and class. (In the event of their uniform becoming lost or misplaced, it will help us to get it back to them as quickly as possible).
- Everyday your child should bring their school bag to school, this is so we can send things home safely.
- Please read with your child at least three times a week and write a comment in their reading diary. Reading books and diaries must be brought to school every day.
- Children will get some homework.
- In Robin's room we explore all materials so sometimes we can get dirty and messy. You can provide us with spare clothes if you would like.
- We encourage children to explore learn how to play and communicate.
The staff are happy to help if you need anything both in school or at home.