Phonic screening test in year 1.
In year 1, we have a phonic screening test at the end of the year normally between May and June. This test is a national test to check the ability of your child's understanding of phonics sounds, reading, blending and segmenting.
A part of the test is being able to understand real words and alien words. The alien words don't make sense but the children will be taught to sound out the sound of the words and then say the word. It is good practise for them to practise real and alien words. This will developing their reading skills and ability.
During the school year we assess children on their phonic abilities ensuring they meet the pass rate. Sometimes the pass rate can be 32/40, 35/40 or higher. As teachers we do not know what sounds will be included in the next year's test. So it is important that children practise all phonic sounds and we aim to get the all 40 words correct.
We practise phonics daily, and test often so this should not scare them in any way and should be seen a positive learning challenge. Children learn best by doing and having a go.
Please see the link to the governments website this will inform you off any further information.