Reviewing progress of children with SEND
Reviewing pupil progress
Pupils, parents and teachers meet and discuss progress participation and learning challenges. Together we will agree on the next steps to support learning.
Class Teacher are responsible for ensuring progress towards these targets are made and evidence will be collected to support these judgements. Reviews will be held termly and monitored/overseen by the SENDCo.
The class teacher is available at the end of each day for you to raise a concern and make an appointment or you could make an appointment through the office to meet with the class teacher and SENDCo.
We use a model of graduated intervention to underpin all provision in our school
All teachers have overall responsibility for every child in their class, including those with SEN (see Teaching and Learning Policy; SEND Policy).
Assess - A process of on-going teacher assessments and termly pupil progress meetings with the leadership team.
Plan – Additional teaching or interventions will be planned for together for children not making the expected level of progress. Additional intervention will be carefully monitored by the Class teacher, Senior Leaders and SENDCo and will run for an agreed time period with regular reviews.
Do - Interventions will be run by fully trained Teachers or Teaching Assistants. Interventions may take place one to one or in small groups.
Review - Class teachers, Senior Leaders and the SENDCo monitor the progress of all children receiving additional support to ensure that the provision is having the impact we are expecting.
We adjust interventions as soon as possible if this is not the case. The progress of all children is discussed and reviewed at termly meetings. Outcomes of interventions are shared with parents and we ask for their views on their children’s progress.