Working with children and their families
Involving parents and pupils in the dialogue is central to our approach and we do this through:
Pupil Voice
We make sure that we listen to children in our school and respond to what they say in a number of ways, including:
- children are involved where possible in creating 'Pupil Passports'
- where possible inviting children to make personal contributions to their Annual Review meetings.
- doing an annual pupil questionnaire on “pupil voice” – giving children their say
- agreeing with them individual targets
- making sure that our School Council are inclusive and represent the whole of our school community
Working with parents and carers
Class teachers will suggest ways of how you can support your child at home.
The SENDCo and class teacher will meet with you to discuss how to support your child with strategies to use if there are difficulties with the child’s behaviour/emotional needs.
We closely liaise with agencies for example the Education Psychology Service, Speech Therapists etc. If, with your consent your child has been referred to outside agencies, support programs are usually provided so learning continues at home.
The SEND department hold half termly coffee mornings for parents of children with SEND.
Class teachers, Senior Leaders and the SENDCo encourage parents to contact us with concerns or queries.