Year 4
Welcome to the summer term,
We can hardly believe that it is the last term of the school year! The children have already started to enjoy exciting units of work such as The Mayan Civilisation in History and States of Matter in Science. This term your child will be completing the important Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check. Please support them at home by encouraging daily times table practice and make good use of Times Tables Rockstars.
We hope that you will come to work with our classes during this term's reading together times, as the children really enjoy your presence.
We would like to use this opportunity to remind you of the following:
- All children must read at least three times each week and each parent comment written must be signed
- Reading books and diaries must be brought to school every day (this will ensure that children receive their value points on the day that they are achieved.)
- Children will bring home a spelling list every Monday and will be tested on a Friday.
- Children need to be practising all of the spellings from the Year 3 / 4 word list regularly to ensure that they are prepared for Year 5 (you will receive a copy of this list at the first parent teacher meeting this month). These spelling words will make up part of the weekly spelling list.
- Once a fortnight, your child will bring home a piece of talk homework related to their English unit of work. Please could you support your child's writing by talking through this homework with them.
-Times tables should be practised at home using Times Tables Rock stars. This is especially important for Year 4 as children will be taking a Times Tables test in June and all children will have a weekly 25 questions times tables test.
- All children should have a labelled water bottle that should be taken home every day to be cleaned and refilled.
- Finally, all children must wear their full activity uniform to school on a Friday.
Please see classroom window for an example of the expected kit.
Plain white T-shirt (no buttons)
Black shorts
Green jogging bottoms
Green jumper/cardigan
Plain black plimsolls or trainers (this shoe should not be the same as that worn by your child every day).
We look forward to working with you and your children.
Mrs Winkler and Miss Khan