Video editing 5AC
We used a range of online tools to edit photographs and publish false adverts across the globe!
Flat file databases 5AC
We have started the topic ‘flat file databases’ this term and we are beginning to develop our knowledge and understanding of how databases are used to gather, store and record information. Our first task was a challenge to manage paper based data.
Ordering paper based data 5AC

Anti-bullying video (5EL)

Anti-bullying video (5EL)

Anti-bullying video (5EL)

Anti-bullying video (5EL)

Anti- bullying video (5EL)

Anti-bullying video (5EL)

Video editing 5AC
We have now finished completing our videos about bullying. We used the software ‘Splice’ to clip images and add sound effects. Take a look at our class in action…
Bullying video 1 5AC

Bullying video 2 5AC

Bullying video 3 5AC

Bullying video 4 5AC

Video editing 5AC
This term, we have been learning how to successfully edit videos to create a short clip. We are currently in the process of creating film trailers, adverts, documentaries and short films all about bullying. The children have learnt different techniques to help them master how to use a device. They have looked at fine-tuning, static cameras, zooming, panning and tilting, as well as ensuring audios are clear and audible.
Vector drawing using different tools (5EL)
Vector drawing 5AC
We used the iPads to create our own buildings using only shapes.
Vector drawing 5EL
In this unit we have been using iPads to draw shapes to create different images.
Sharing Information 5AC
In computing, we have been learning about the importance of sharing information and how a large number of companies must communicate effectively in order for products to be produced, sold and delivered online.
To test how important communication is, we were challenged to order ourselves into height order and order of our birthdays (in months) to see if we were able to do this effectively without verbal communication.
