Year 5
Welcome to Year 5 from both of us; Mr Choudhury (5AC) and Miss Lynch (5EL).
We have a busy year planned for your children with lots of exciting and fun opportunities to learn! Our learning this year is topic based which allows the children to fully immerse themselves in our chosen topics. Our first topic is ‘The World at War’. We have organised an exciting introduction next week where we will look at important artefacts from WW2.
Year 5 expectations:
- Please hear your child read at least 3 times a week and write a comment in their diary.
- New spellings will be given out on a Monday in readiness for a spelling test on the Friday of the same week. Children must learn them off by heart in preparation for the weekly test.
- Weekly homework will be issued every friday, this is to then be returned on the following wednesday - we will not accept homework later than this date.
- Please ensure your child brings their guitar to school every Monday for their music lessons.
- Please also note, Year 5 have PE on Fridays.
If you have any concerns, please contact the office and they will be able to put you in touch with us.
Mr Choudhury and Miss Lynch