Pizza making 5AC
Catapults 5AC
We have been looking into the history of catapults and how they have been used for thousands of years as vehicles of war. We followed a set of instructions to build our own catapults and understand how such simple devices (that require little human interaction) are able to launch objects of extreme mass through the air.
Parachutes 5AC
The children have been looking at forces all around them. They have studied the different types of resistance in science and created their own parachutes to apply theory to practical.
Science week
This week we have been learning about science all around us. The children have been engaged in a range of immersive activities exploring and investigating the world that they live in.
Making catapults - Levers and Pulleys (5EL)
Catapults (5EL)
Weird and Wacky Day (5EL)
Ghost glove experiment (5EL)
Ghost glove experiment (5EL)
Universal indicator experiment (5EL)
Pizza making (5EL)
Forces (5EL)
Forces - Friction 5AC
The children have been challenged to conduct an experiment to find out how different materials have an impact on friction. They used Newton meters to measure the force being applied to weights moving across different surfaces. The class also watched videos to find out what happens when high levels of friction are taking place.
Science museum trip
Comparing the size of the Sun, Moon and Earth (5EL)
Changes in materials (5EL)
Burning Materials 5AC
Irreversible changes 5AC
Experimenting irreversible change - Making soda bread (5EL)
Experimenting irreversible change - Making soda bread (5EL)
Experimenting irreversible changes 5AC
We have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes within the states of matter. We conducted an experiment using Diet Coke and mentos to produce gas and develop our understanding of why some changes are reversible and others are irreversible
Irreversible changes 5AC
Separating mixtures 5AC
Science workshop 5AC
Science workshop
Science workshop
Properties and materials
This term we are focusing on properties and materials. We will be engaging in a variety of different experiments discovering how materials are combined and how their states of matter change. We will also be observing how different materials can be reversed and which cannot. We will also be investigating different materials to see which are better suited for different purposes.
Science experiment- Combining different materials with water (5EL)
Irreversible change experiment (5EL)
Irreversible changes experiment- (5EL)
Irreversible change experiment (5EL)
Changes and reproduction
In Year 5 this term we have been looking at how we reproduce and change as we age. The children have explored how the life cycle works and the stages, in which we go through in life. We have explored what happens during puberty and what to expect to occur during this process.
Changes and reproduction (5EL)
This term we are looking at the life cycles of animals, plants and humans. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Life cycles 5AC
We have studied the life cycles of different plants and animals and compared how these are different to other species in the animal kingdom.
Plant Dissection 5AC
This term we are learning about the life cycles of different plants. We have been studying how plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. To put our knowledge to the test we dissected some plants to find the different parts.