Design & Technology
Stitching 5AC
In class, the children have looked into how textiles are joined together and investigated what materials have been used, as well as identifying how they are constructed and the properties of textiles used.
Building Bridges 5AC
To add more complexity to our bridges, we learnt how suspension is used in engineering to help distribute weight and support bridges against heavy loads.
Building Bridges 5AC
In this lesson, we researched how arches are used in bridges to disperse compression and tension. We were challenged to build a bridge with an arch which could withhold a small load of weight as well as to allow a vehicle to travel underneath.
Building bridges 5AC
This term, our topic is ‘building bridges’. As a class, we learnt how bridges are constructed and supported using beams and pillars. We were given the challenge of creating our own bridge out of paper and card based upon our new knowledge. We even built a bridge that could hold the weight of a guitar!