Subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions This week we have been looking at subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions within our writing. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Adverbials This week we are looking at adverbials and including them within our writing. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Relative clauses This week we are focusing on relative clauses. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Formal and informal language This week we are focusing on identifying formal and informal language. Please see the link below to help your child at home.
Hyphens This week we have been looking at compound nouns and using hyphens within our writing. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Using commas for clearer meaning This week we have been looking at using commas for clearer meaning. Please see the link below to support your child at home.
Expanded noun phrases This week we have been looking at expanded noun phrases and using them within our writing. Please see the link below to support your child at home.