Descriptive writing
Squirrel Activity Centre 5AC
Newspaper articles (Lucas- 5EL)

Newspaper articles (Albjon- 5EL)

Newspaper articles (Evelina- 5EL)

Alessia and Freshta 5AC

Sana and Rahela 5AC

Nabiha Eliza Benas 5AC

Oscar George Armaan 5AC

Newspaper Articles 5AC
We explored a range of newspaper articles to help us identify the features of a successful newspaper article which will help us with our big writing mission ‘animals in danger’.
Exploring newspaper articles (5EL)
This week we have been exploring the features of a newspaper article. The children had to look through a newspaper and note down any features they identified. They then annotated the features that they saw.
When the Sky Falls 5AC
In Aut 1, we have been reading this wonderful book written by Phil Earle. Throughout this story we have been inspired to create written pieces of work using many different genres, such as, a radio broadcast, non-chronological reports, letters and diary entries.
Boxing-up 5AC
In year 5, we are using the boxing-up method to help us plan for our writing. By boxing up, we are able to structure our writing so our paragraphs are topic specific, which will help us to succeed in our written work.