Early Years
Welcome to Early Years
Welcome to Early Years!
Miss Mistry, Mr Williams and all the EYFS team would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very warm welcome to our happy, successful Early Years setting. We have planned a broad, balanced, play based, fun filled curriculum with exciting topics and learning opportunities! We are passionate about creating a school environment with the emphasis being on nurturing well being, curiosity, confidence and resilience to help your child grow and thrive in every aspect of their life. We believe in inspiring children with the knowledge that they are truly capable of achieving great things, every day!
At Marsh Green, our ethos is based upon British Values, which promotes strong self -esteem, enjoyment, high expectations of achievement, respect and equality for all. We do this within a caring, vibrant and supportive environment.
There are also many ways to support your child’s learning journey at home, for example by reading with them at least three times a week and playing counting games to develop number skills. Please also support your child by encouraging them to mark make and to write their name in full.
We recognise that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to speak to us or contact us via parentenquiry@marshgreen.baedaglea.org.uk
Listed below are some useful websites which you can use at home to help your children learn and grow.
Our Remote Home Learning work can be found here...
Games, activities and information to help you during your time in Early Years...
Phonics Here is a great website to help you understand how to sound out letters correctly.
Phonics games for your child The phonics play site has some free games which you can play with your child at home such as Buried Treasure and Dragons Den.
Maths Games This website has some games you can play to help your child to develop their maths skills.
EYFS Focus Week Advert
27.05.21- Focus Week Topic: Rubbish
Early Years have been learning about the pollution in our oceans. Sadly, some people are putting their plastic and other waste items into the sea! Early have been learning about the importance of recycling and reusing plastic. We have made some lovely costumes out of recycled everyday items!
Let's save our oceans!
Marsh Green's Easter Bonnet Parade 2021
Last term we had our amazing Easter Bonnet Parade which we all really enjoyed taking part in! Take a look and see if you can see yourself in the video!