English (Reading & Writing Activities)
Challenge Corner
Are you up for a word challenge? Each week, myself or Mr Chin will post a word challenge or activity for you to have a go at. Use your skills to try and work it out. Take a photo of you doing it in your purple book and send it in to us. They are just a bit of fun. Try your best and a go! 👍🏼😃
Mr Cross
Think it Through Today! - Challenge 5 & 6 (18.5.20) The definition of ‘jubilant’ is a feeling of great happiness. Write a paragraph using the word jubilant to share what has made you feel happy recently. Rambunctious - We can all be a little rambunctious at times! Can you complete the three warm ups and then complete the character trait challenge?
Think it Through Today! - Challenge 4 (7.5.20) Can you write an acrostic poem that clearly shows the meaning of this challenge word?
Think it Through Today! - Challenge 3 (1.5.20)
It is a word challenge today.
Word Ladders!
How long can you make your ladder? Remember your words need to be at least 5 letters long! The aim of the task is to make a list of words where the last letter of each word, forms the beginning letter that your next word must start with. For example;
Extension: Can you think of works with 6/7/8/9 letters?
Think it Through Today! - Challenge 2 (24.4.20)
For today's challenge you must see how many words you can find that have your word within it. Your word is 'ate'.
Example - mate, late, grate.....
The person with the most words gets 20 house points.
Extension - Can you use each one in a sentence to show you understand the meaning?
To help you get started, here are a few examples that you could use; rate, hate, plate, grate, calculate, participate, catering, captivate, liberate, emancipate.
Think it Through Today! - Challenge 1 (24.4.20) Year 5 Word Challenge - How many words can you make using the letters from this word? How many times can you use this word?
Tom Fletcher reads his books aloud for you.
Once upon a picture (see link above) - for all you budding writers out there and those who enjoy creative writing, use these images or 'The Collections' to have a go at being creative! All you need is the image (on a phone, tablet or computer - no need to print out), something to write with and something to write on.
You may like to write a whole story, a beginning of a story or just an ending. You may even like to create a set of instructions using the images as a starting point. Give it a go and see how you get on.
Book reviews of your favourite book(s) - write a comprehensive book review using your own ideas. You might like to think about including:
- Illustrate your favourite scene.
- Write a synopsis of the book.
- Write about whether you would recommend the book and why or, if not, can you give reason why not?
- Maybe you could think about re-designing the book cover; can you make it better?
Creative Writing idea - The Red Glove
How about creating a diorama of your favourite book or a scene from your favourite story just like these below. Have a look at these for inspiration.