English - Newspapers
LI: To write quotes
Newspapers- Quotes

For maths today we are going to put our arithmetic to the test! The paper should take you around 1 hour to complete. If you need more time then do not worry you can have extra.
You may use this link to time yourself with the stopwatch. Can you beat the clock?
Simply select the red arrow and type in 6000 (1 hour), click set and then press start. Your countdown will begin. Good luck.
Explosives - Core
Magnificents - Support
Dynamics - Extra support
Arithmetic papers
Team stands for Together Everyone Achieves More!
Think about ways in which you could be a good team player in your:
How many different ways can you think of that will allow you to make a positive contribution towards the groups/communities you are a part of? Think of an interesting way to record your learning (a video for our class page, a poster, a thought shower etc).