Please continue to read and practice tricky words with your children at home.
Here are some links that give access to lots of fun stories and reading activities...
Ideas of things the children could do...
- Draw a picture and caption it
- Draw a picture of them and their family and label it
- Draw a picture of their house and label it
- Write a list e.g. a shopping list, things they can see etc.
- Write a few sentences describing something they like/enjoy e.g. their favourite toy, a family member, their favourite food etc.
Remind the children to always start their sentence with a capital letter, use finger spaces and a full stop!
It is important that the children continue to practice their letter formation and writing simple things such as their names. Here are some fun worksheets below to help the children practice writing their name...
(If you do not have a printer at home, you could write their name in their exercise book then get your child to trace over it initially and have a go at copying it below. )