Ordering coins and using different coins to make the same amount 💰💳💰
1/4 and 3/4
Sharing and grouping
Fractions! Making 1/2 and 2/4
Unit 10
This unit introduces fractions for the first time. It builds on children’s knowledge of equal parts, which they have come across in previous units about multiplication and division. This unit also exposes children to equal parts in a range
of contexts, including shape, numbers, measurements and money.
Within this unit, children will be introduced to fraction- specific key language such as numerator and denominator and will be able to explain what each word means in context.
At first, children will deal with unit fractions where the numerator is always one, focusing on halves, thirds and quarters. Children will then move onto non-unit fractions and learn about the equivalence between them, particularly between 12 and 24 . Children will practise counting up in quarters and halves on a number line, including crossing through whole number barriers.
Drawing 2D Shapes 🔷🔺▪️🟤🟪
Unit 9
Properties of shapes
This unit focuses on the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Children will learn to describe and sort shapes based on
the shapes’ mathematical properties, using the correct terminology. Although this is the first unit covering geometry in Year 2, children have experience of recognising, naming, describing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes from Unit 5inYear1.
Children will also draw on their counting skills and their ability to compare and order numbers. In this unit, children will learn to describe and categorise shapes based on their number of sides, vertices, edges and faces.
Multiplication and division 😀➗ ✖️👍
Unit 6
Multiplication and division
This unit focuses on two methods of division (grouping and sharing), and how to calculate using these two different strategies. Children will be introduced to the division sign (÷). Children will learn the importance of equal groups when dividing, and how to distinguish between the number of equal groups and the number in one group. Children will
be introduced to the bar model to represent both grouping and sharing problems.
Within this unit, children will also make the link between division and multiplication facts. They will be asked to match a multiplication sentence to the inverse division sentence, and to work out missing numbers based on facts from one of the operations.
Children will use a 100 square to spot patterns for numbers that can be divided by 2, 5 and 10.
22.02.23 100th day!
21.02.23 Sharing and grouping 👦🍎 🍎🍎🍎 👧
Unit 5
Multiplication and division
This unit focuses on multiplication in the context of skip counting, equal groups, times-tables, multiplication sentences and scaling problems. It is an essential basis for children understanding the times-tables and what × means.
Within this unit, children will gain a solid grounding in equal groups and what this means, as well as how to recognise any groups that are not equal. This is the first big idea relating to multiplication and it is essential knowledge before moving through the rest of the lessons.
3.2.23 Adding and subtracting using the number line method ✍️📏
Power Maths Unit 4 - Money 💴
Why this unit is important
This unit is important because it builds upon children’s learning in year 1. There is a lot of focus within the unit
on addition and subtraction of money using part-whole models and bar models, in addition to counting methods – enabling children to find the most efficient strategies, such as counting on from the coin or note of highest value to find the total. Children work with pounds, pence and notes, and towards the end of the unit they will work with pounds and pence together
11.1.23 Identifying coins to make amounts
10.01.23 Making the same amount with different coins

Solving a variety of Money Word Problems







10.01.23 Identifying money and adding with money 🪙
09.01.23 Introduction to Money unit: Role Play and games
Power Maths - Unit 2- Addition and subtraction
In this unit, children will build upon the number bonds to 10 that they will have learned in Year 1. Children consolidate this understanding and apply it to number bonds within 20 and to 20 in this unit.
Children are introduced to writing fact families of equations, and to relating addition and subtraction operations. As a result, children learn to use the inverse of one operation to check calculations using the other operation. Children will also be introduced to the concept of ‘make 10’ to aid mental calculations.
Once this key learning is understood, children are introduced to the column method which they will use throughout their time at school, applying the mental strategies appropriately. This method is introduced alongside a variety of different visual representations to ensure a strong conceptual and procedural understanding.
Power Maths - Unit 1 - Counting to 100 😁
This unit focuses on children's ability to read and understand numbers to 100. They will use their growing understanding of place value to help them sort, compare and order numbers.
Within this unit, children will recap their understanding of different representations of numbers and also meet other representations for the first time. They will use these
representations to show a number's 'tens' and 'ones' and use this to help them compare and order. Children will use part-whole models and place value grids to show their partitioning of numbers and use these to support their reasoning when comparing and ordering.
10.1.23 Using a variety of coins to make the same amounts
9.1.23 Role-Play: Identifying and using a variety of coins buy items
29.11.22 Subtracting two-digit numbers using the number line method
1.11.22 Adding a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number using mathematical equipment
12.10.22 Part Whole Diagram practise! ✨ ✏️🧮🎲✨
10.10.22 To solve addition and subtraction sentences
3.10.22 Counting in multiples of 3 using objects!
26.9.22 Representing number on a place value grid
23.9.22 Maths Chants: Counting to 100, counting in 5’s and 10’s