Below are some documents which you can either print out for your child to do or they can just look at them on a laptop/iPad/tablet and write out the number sentences in their books, on a whiteboard or on paper... Whatever you have access to at home.
There are differentiated sheets relating to both addition and subtraction.
Hope these are useful!
Miss Hill x
Firstly, below is a link to 'White Rose Maths'. This is a fantastic website with maths lessons and resources for children of all ages. They have videos first for the children to watch with activities to follow.
And here is a link to a website full of resources for all ages related to both Maths & English!
Hope these are useful and, as always, enjoy!
New Maths Challenge for today...
Can you have a go at all 3 of the activities below and write the number sentence to match?
Let's go!
Here are some Maths ideas for you to do at home with your families. We are all so fantastic with our numbers and shapes - show off how clever you are to your families and carers.
Things you can practice at home:
- Writing numbers to 20
- Counting to 100
- Adding using physical objects and writing a number sentence eg 10 + 1 = 11
- Doubling or halving a number
- Writing the number sentences to match doubling and halving e.g. 4 + 4 = 8
- Recognising and naming 2D and 3D shapes
- Knowing/saying what is one more or one less than a given number.
Below are some links to useful websites...
Top Marks has some fun games related to our maths targets. Practice everything from number recognition, counting, ordering numbers and shape patterns!
Twinkl also has some fantastic resources including powerpoints and worksheets which you can download to use at home. Use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS for free access during this time.
Fun Maths songs
In Early Years, we love a song and dance at any given occasion! So here are some links to songs that help us with our counting every day in school.