Miss Livesey's Messages
Hi everyone,
Today is National Writing Day, WOW- how exciting! Take part in the 24/7 challenge or take a look at FREE resources for you to use by clicking on the link below.
I'd love to see pictures of your work, send them to: parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
Lots of love,
Miss Livesey
Good morning boys and girls,
Congratulations! You did a fantastic job with the Times Tables Rockstars Battle agains 6AA.
YOU WON WITH 43,837 POINTS! 6AA had 4,820 points so it was a great win- well done to everyone for all your hard work. Certificates are on the way for the top three contributors: Marvellous, Sarah and Gabrielius.
I'll set a new battle for you today, this time against teachers. Good luck guys!
Speak soon,
Miss Livesey x
Hello guys,
We have always encouraged you to read over the summer holidays so that you continue to build your reading skills and confidence. The local library staff usually host an assembly in school during the 'Summer term' to discuss the 'Summer Reading Challenge'. Unfortunately due to the disruption caused by Covid-19 and the impact of social distancing on schools and public libraries, the 2020 challenge will launch as a digital activity.
Follow the link below and join the 'Silly Squad' by creating a log in then your own avatar. You can use this from now until September to read books online to collect points and unlock badges. This is completely free of charge.
Morning lovelies,
I have been in school this week and it was very strange without all you being there. I got to see a few children from Year 4, which was great to see there faces - I miss you all so much!
Thank you to those who have sent in pictures for me to see, it's so great to see you and the exciting things you have been doing at home. Keep checking our 'Wall of Fame' to see your classmates, I'm sure you're missing them too. If you would like to appear on there send your work or photographs to Parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk .
Week 3 of Mr Mathis, Miss Shakira and Mrs Marishka's 'Don't Worry Be Happy' is now available on you tube and here is the link:
Have you been enjoying Miss Hatton's Yoga Challenge? I have never done any yoga before so it is completely new to me but I have found it has really helped me to focus my mind. I'd love to see some photos of your poses.
Have a great weekend, speak soon!
Miss L x
Mental Health Awareness Week (18.05.20 - 24.05.20)
Mental Health Awareness Week will take place this week and this year’s theme is kindness. Organised by the Mental Health Foundation, the week aims to raise awareness and to promote the message of good mental health for all.
Kindness and mental health are deeply connected. At this difficult time, we want to celebrate the many examples of exceptional kindness we are seeing through our schools, as people go above and beyond to make a positive difference for the members of their school community. That is why we are invited to create virtual Kindness Cups - a way to celebrate the incredible acts of kindness taking place across our school communities.
I would love to see your creations, send some pictures for me to see at: Parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
Have fun!
P.s. There are certificates available for those who complete this task :)
Morning guys,
I hope everyone is well. The weather is glorious, I enjoyed yesterday in the garden and I went on a huge walk- my legs ache today!
Did you manage to find the twelve spelling mistakes that I made last week? Here are the corrections in the right order so that you can mark your answers and make any corrections if necessary.
1. heard
2. breath
3. enough
4. woman
5. surprise
6. occasionally
7. special
8. strength
9. medicine
10. different
11. notice
12. strange
Well done to all those that took part! Did you enjoy that? If so I have another challenge for you...
Re-write these sentences using the correct punctuation (commas, inverted commas and full stops) capital letters, grammar and spellings.
I'll post the corrected sentences in a few days so that you can mark your work again, good luck!
Miss L x
Good morning you lovely lot,
I need your help... I've had a WHOOPS moment this morning and so have got a SPaG challenge for you. I've not yet proof read my passage (which is based on a story we are all familiar with, can you spot which story?) and I have made 12 spelling mistakes, all of which are from our Year 3 & 4 list.
Your challenge is to identify which 12 words are spelled incorrectly and correct them using our list, please don't guess though. (If you need help you can use a dictionary, the list and the internet).
I hope you accept my challenge and good luck!
Miss L x
Morning all,
I know you guys have probably been waiting for this update- we have lots of brilliant performers in our class!
Here is the link to lesson two of Mr Mathis, Miss Shakira and Mrs Marishka's 'Don't Worry Be Happy' music, dance and meditation.
Enjoy :)
Remember you can send updates of you enjoying these lessons to Parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
Speak soon,
Miss Livesey x
Hi 4AL,
How are you all? I hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend and that you enjoyed all the exciting VE Day activities on our Year 4 page. Did people decorate their houses with flags near where you live or have a street party? My street put a few decorations up and I saw some people having street parties on the news.
Remember you can send in any work or photos to Parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
Also, I would like to say a huge congratulations to all those in 4AL that took part in our most recent battle agains 5GC. You guys were incredible and totally exceeded my expectations. 4AL were triumphant with a colossal (drum roll please.......)
57,240 POINTS!
5GC finished with 35,572 points.
Give yourselves a pat on the back- well done :)
I would like you to take this week to practice your sound checks and when I can see everyone has completed lots of those I will set a new challenge against another class (perhaps Year 6 this time!).
Keep working hard (remember if you try your best, then that is good enough for us!)
I can't wait to see you all. Lots of love Miss Livesey x
4AL's Victory vs 5GC
VE Day- Be inspired! Here are some interesting pictures I came across from around the time of the war, read the captions and see if you can spot any familiar places. Could you write a day in the life of a solider, family member or child living through World War II?
Hi Everyone!
Only me... just a quick one! I really hope you enjoyed working on our summer topic yesterday! I am incredibly excited about 'The Mysterious and Magical', I could honestly burst- I love magic and EVERYTHING to do with it. My imagination works at its best on this topic and I'm counting down the days until we are back together and having great fun with this.
I just wanted to let you know on our Year 4 Home Learning page, under that icon, I will post the daily lesson links to make it easier for you to find each days learning. There are a couple of sites which are amazingly putting on free lessons each day so I will post both with the hope that you choose a maths, English and learning challenge (they may call those subjects foundation on their pages) per day.
Also have a look at the other learning areas on our page as I updated many of the links yesterday so you have some new and exciting free, educational games. Active Learn and Times Tables Rock Stars are working as normal with many learning opportunities on there and currently Year 5 are beating 4AL with 8000 points and we only have 2000) lots of time to change that though- hopefully :).
Speak soon
Love Miss L x
Morning 4AL,
I have exciting news..... our summer topic is called 'The Mysterious and the Magical'.
WOW! What an exciting topic title. I'm sure you have lots of ideas and questions whizzing around in your heads right now.
On our Year 4 page under the Summer icon you will find some tasks that I would like you to complete in your exercise books, please don't rush to complete them - I would like you to take the next few weeks to work through them and use lots of detail: amazing adjectives, expanded noun phrases, WOW words, clauses, a variety of punctuation and paragraphs. Just like at school, you should do a draft copy then success and improve it before writing the main version. Remember to build success criteria just like we do in school. You can do both copies in your exercise book to show me later.
I would LOVE to see some of your work before we are back to school, ask you parents to send it in via email at: parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
We have a Year 4 wall of fame that I could add your work, pictures or creative creations to.
Miss Livesey x
Hello 4AL,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the nice weather, safely. I am missing you all phenomenally and can't wait for us to reunite in the near future!
I am here to share exciting news - Mr Mathis, Miss Shakira and Ms Marishka have created a very exciting lesson for you, the theme is 'Be Happy'. We could all do with spreading and sharing happiness right now as we can't spend time with our friends and loved ones that are not in our households. The link for this exciting lesson bank is below, when you click on it and it opens YouTube you will see their three names at the side. You can click on each of those and hear from your teachers. There will be a new lesson from them each week that may even add on to create a master piece in a few weeks time.
I can't wait to see/hear some of your creations!
Lots of love
Miss L
21.04.20 Today Queen Elizabeth II is 94!
I was in school yesterday with some children whose parents have to work at the moment. We spent our day researching the Queen's life, created a timeline and then we did some beautiful artwork and celebration banners.
Today I am having a cream tea (a home-made scone, jam and clotted cream with tea from a tea pot) and wishing the Queen a very happy birthday!
Your challenge is to find out about the Queen and create a fact file all about her life so far and do some artwork of your choice.
Be creative and remember to send you creations in for me to see at parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
20.04.20 Year 4AL vs. 4SM Times Tables Battle
Keep up your hard work 4AL!
This battle ends on Friday (24.04.20) - The more correct answers you get the more points you earn.
Good luck!
New home learning has been set on our Year 4 home learning page all about change.
Challenge Alert!
There is a Y4 tournament on Times Tables Rock Stars- 4AL vs 4SM that has gone live... you have until Friday to work as a class team to collect as many point as possible.
Good luck 4AL
Miss Livesey
Create a time capsule all about this time spent at home with your family - A nice keepsake to look back at when you're a bit older.
If you can't print this out use your exercise book to recreate the pages the best you can.
Send your creations to: parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
I would love to see what you have been doing at home!
Miss Livesey
Wow 4AL - an amazing effort!
I'm impressed at the huge increase in points this week, well done everybody :)
This week your challenge is to do as many sound checks as you can, I can see your progress scores on there - try your best!
We will do a new tournament next week once you have practised your sound checks.
Hi everybody,
Easter is upon us and I'm thinking about you all during this holiday period. What is the true meaning of Easter? On your home learning page there are many activities to help you to learn and understand what Easter really means. Complete the activities set and don't forget to have fun -but stay safe!
Create your family members an Easter card to help them to celebrate- you could challenge yourself and make a pop up one (You Tube has great tutorials).
Miss you guys,
Miss Livesey x
Happy Easter 4AL!
I hope you're all having a lovely time with your families- I have devoured a tasty Easter treat! An Easter egg filled with brownie and cream, yum yum! What have you been up to this Easter?
I would love to see your creations, send them to: parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
06.04.20 Well done 4AL boys!
I have set a new challenge for you let's see if the girls can catch up.
It's great to see so many of you on Times Tables Rock Stars- keep practising to build your answering speed up to gain more points.
Here are my baking pictures- yummy!
Have you baked anything yet? Write recipe instructions or design a menu for your family.
You could show me by sending them to: parentenquiry@marshgreen.bardaglea.org.uk
Hi everybody,
How are you all? I hope you're well and are having lots of fun completing your home learning!
Hopefully you have had a look at our updated webpage now and have tried many of the activities; remember to record them in your exercise book so you can show me when we're back in school!
I challenged you all to beat my score on Times Tables Rock Stars and set a girls vs boys class battle- Zion and Olivia are currently leading for each team however the scores are very close- I'm excited to see who wins!
Remember to do your Active Learn work that is set too, I can see many of you are opening the tasks but not actually completing them.
Yesterday I made rainbow pictures to go in the window (below is a picture) and I'm baking today so I'll show you how my creations turn out soon.
Love Miss Livesey
Hello 4AL :)
Firstly, I'm hoping that you are all well and enjoying our new way of learning at home. This is a completely different way of working for us and I'm definitely missing you all! This may seem like a scary time but try not to worry too much and continue to wash your hands regularly. Staying home is the best thing to do right now so have a look around our class page for things to do to keep yourselves busy.
I will use this section of our class page to communicate with you and to also update you with what I'm doing during this time. I hope you are still working hard and I'm very excited to see all your work in the exercise book you took home. Remember to login to Active Learn and Times Tables Rock Stars (I can see your progress on those!!).
Talk soon,
Miss Livesey x