L:I Place 4-digit numbers on marked lines and round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. (All)
L:I To locate 2-digit numbers on a number line. (extra support)
Number line game – Use some post-it notes to write down 10, random, 3-digit numbers. If you don’t have post it notes you may cut out some paper.
Extra support group - Try this starter but with 2-digit numbers.
Once you have your 10 numbers, order them from lowest to highest. Use a stopwatch to time yourself. Make a note of your time, then write some new numbers down and try again.
Repeat this 7 times and circle your fastest time!
Do you think you were faster than your classmates? Why not send a photograph in of you and your quickest time? The winner will be announced on the school website, good luck.
LI: To plan a newspaper report
Check out the video from Mrs Johnson to find out how to plan your newspaper report for the mysterious incident at Marsh Green last week. If you are unsure please look at last Friday's lesson which took place on the 15.01.21
How to plan your report!
L.I: Words ending in sure, as in measure.
L.I: To practice doubling consonants. (extra support).
Watch the video on BBC Bitesize.
Listen out for words that are pronounced with the 'ture' and 'sure' sounds.
Remember to look out for exceptions such as 'teacher'. If the root word ends with the 'ch' sound, the word ending is 'er'.
What words did you hear?
Can you make a list of these words?
Extra support - How and why do we double consonants?
The spelling rule is:
If the word has 1 syllable, 1 vowel and it ends in 1 consonant.. then you double the final consonant.
You do this before you add 'ing', 'ed', 'er', 'est'.
You don't double the consonant if the word ends in 'tion'.
For example, Sit = sitting.
Spelling activities
Learning Challenge
LI: To understand the human digestive system
Have you ever wondered where your food goes?
What happens to that sandwich or piece of fruit once you've chewed it and swallowed it?
Watch the video below to find out about our amazing digestive system!
Now that you have learnt about the digestive system I would like you to write a sentence about how the following function to help us to digest our food:
Oesophagus (gullet)
Small intestine
Large intestine