Mrs Bell's Noticeboard
A Special Gift
Today I received a special gift from Ella. I have to find a special place in my house for it! What an amazing artist Ella is. Thank you Ella - I love it. I hope you continue with your art and when you are famous I promise I won’t sell it.
9th July 2020. Social Distanced Musical Chairs!
As today was our last day with Mrs Bell we had some party food, played games, listened to k-pop and played musical chairs.
8th July 2020. Sports Challenges
We had hockey and football challenges today. We had to complete as many dribble circuits in 60 seconds.
Cara, won the hockey challenge (which is not a surprise as she is in the England team) and Bjordi won the football!
Germinating Sunflowers
With a lot of sun and rain, our sunflowers have started to germinate (grow). When we leave we will take them home with us to continue to help them grow.
7th July 2020. Maths is Fun!
Today we looked at curves of pursuit and tangrams. Here we are practising. Mrs Bell made one for her new maths display!

6th July 2020. Animation creation!
Using their knowledge about seed dispersal and the life cycle of a plant, the children completed their stop-motion animations.



6th July 2020 Final Week with Mrs Bell!
As this will be my final week with my class bubble, we will be doing the activities as set out in the daily curriculum page but we will also be having some quality fun time as well as completing our stop-motion animations. I will be providing one to one maths support in order to prepare the children as best as we can for Year 7.
3rd July 2020 A Day Out.
Today I went out for the day with Mrs Langley, her two little girls and Daisy. We went to Hyde Hall for a long walk. We discovered different plants, mini-beasts and trees. We even had time for ice cream.

25th June 2020. Van Gogh Inspiration
24th June 2020 Sports Challenges
Today we started our National School Sports Challenges. Nuria was the best at hula-hooping and Fabrizio the star keepy-uppy for tennis with over 400 +! Can you do as many at home? Mrs Bell came 3rd out of ten but last in hula-hooping!
23rd June 2020. Keeping Cool
It was so hot today! We will have our Sports Week challenges tomorrow first thing. Today we finished our life cycles of a plant and had some time appreciating Dr Seuss ( we watched Cat in the Hat) with a yummy freezing cold ice-pole.
Family Time
Daniel after a hard day’s work at school enjoying time with his sisters. What a lovely role model he is.
22nd June 2020. Exploring Plants Week
This week our focus is all about plants. Today we planted our sunflowers and looked at the life cycle of a plant and the reproductive parts of a plant. Mrs Bell was too scared to touch the worms in the soil she brought in!
Daily Lessons start Monday 22nd June.
Click on the Home Learning icon and then Daily Lessons and Creative Curriculum Daily Lessons.
20th June 2020 Father’s Day
Don't forget to give your father his card and do something special for him: offer to help him with a job around the house, make him a cup of tea or even let him win at a game!
19th June. Gardening at home !
We planted some flowers today - but I wasn’t brave enough to touch the worms. Next week in class we will be planting sunflowers and measuring their growth.
18th June 2020 The final Masterpieces!
Such amazing talent in 6B. Children at home, you can also complete a piece of art work linked to Picasso and send it in and I will add it to the web page. This applies to any work you do.
16th June 2020 Letters to our friends
Today Year 6 wrote letters to their friends who have not returned to school - as can be seen they are happy in school and enjoying their time together. If you would like to write and send in a letter to your friend you can also do so! Just ask your parent to email it to: and I will forward it on for you.
They also enjoyed the sunshine!
15th June 2020 Picasso
This week Year 6NB have Mr Cross teaching them. They have started a new topic on Picasso. As we are such an artistic class I cannot wait to see the end results.
11th June 2020 The Tudors
Here are some more images of the work we have been doing in school.......we also had PE today which was good. Our first week back has been a success, we have enjoyed seeing each other again.
Click on the link to find out more about the Tudors
Fabrizio created an amazing image of the Battle of Bosworth 1485
Cara created an impressive portrait of Kind Henry VII and key facts about him.
Obehi created a fantastic portrait of Kind Richard III and key facts.
10th June 2020 - The Tudors
Today we started to look at the Tudors. Mrs Bell gave us a whistle-stop tour from William the Conqueror to Henry VII - the founder of the Tudor Dynasty. We learned about the Battle of Bosworth and how Henry Tudor (Henry VII) defeated Richard III ( you will know who this is if you looked at the Shakespeare page). We had a choice of activities: portraits, timelines, shields and illustrations of the battle. We will continue with the work tomorrow and update with images. We also learned our surnames have a meaning so we will be finding out more when we go home.
Daniel recreated the death of Richard III
Lina and Nuria organised a Tudor timeline
8th June 2020. Reunited!
Hello Year 6! Finally some of us are reunited and it was lovely to see your happy faces come back into school - even if we did have to have a virtual hug!
Observational Art.
Our art skills have remained as good as ever !
Fun in the sun!
3rd June 2020. My Birthday!
Can you believe I had to work on my birthday! Today we would have been going to Chessington but safety and health are more important.
Next week some of you will be returning to school and I am looking forward to seeing you. We will be doing fun things so don’t worry about work etc etc. Make sure you come into school following the advice from Mrs Sanchez. I look forward to seeing you then.
19th May 2020
Helping Others
Ella has been busy in her garden making some beautiful rainbow hearts. By selling these Ella has raised money for the NHS! Well done Ella - a kind, considerate and very mature thing to do. It is a lovely quality to have to think of others. A kindness certificate will be emailed to you Ella and twenty housepoints ( but don’t tell Mrs Sanchez! 😁).
Ella has also been looking at the Shakespeare page under “Home Learning” and has drawn The Globe.
18th May 2020
Mental Health Awareness Week
The theme for this week is kindness. But kindness should be part of everyday, even the tiniest act of kindness can make a difference to someone and you. A positive mental attitude is so important every day of your life. It’s normal to have sad thoughts and days. Remember - tomorrow is a new day, look for the good or amazing.
Here are a couple of quotes to inspire. Find out why these two women are important.
12th May 2020.
Florence Nightingale International Nurses Day
Florence Nightingale was born on this day in 1820. The Nightingale hospitals have been named after her. She was the founder of modern nursing and responsible for raising standards. According to Horrible Histories, she invented the pie chart! You visited the museum in Year 2. Although the museum is currently closed, you can still visit the museum website for a trip down memory lane.
11th May 2020. SATs Week.
Well this week would have been so different for you. We would be having breakfast together, you would be feeling nervous and or even a little excited! All of these emotions are entirely normal. You would have walked into the hall knowing you are prepared and would have tried your best - which is all that you can do. It doesn’t matter that this week didn’t happen - you know how clever you are and we know that too!
8th May 2020. VE Day
Today is a day where young and old give thanks to the sacrifices made by many people over 75 years ago - some of whom would be our relatives. Even though we cannot be together to remember them we can still show our thanks or spare a thought for them.
My family made bunting and Daisy made some VE Day cakes.
5th May 2020 Knowledge is Power
Well done Kymani - it’s good to see you working hard at home. I hope you have been helping Ivy with her reading and enjoying the time with your baby brother. (As I’m so old and do not use social media I took the image from our school twitter site).
3rd May 2020 Well done !
Well done to the following children for working hard at home and logging onto your active-learn accounts. I have added some more maths games to keep you busy and a few more books you might like to read, or even read again! So a big well done to: Connor, Teniola, Tadiwa, Nishat, Daniel A, Rihanna, Nuria, Joshuell, Ella, Praise, Cara, Kacper, Abigail, Kymani, Fatema, Lina, Obehi and Bjordi. 10 House points If you do not see your name yet then that tells you you need to log on or do more than the amount you have done. Practise makes perfect, knowledge is power .
2nd May 2020 Learning a New Skill
Thomas has been learning a new skill- making his own pizza! Well done Thomas, make sure you write down the instructions so you can share it with your friends. I hope you helped to wash up too?
1st May 2020. Lockdown Patience
Daniel is clearly showing amazing patience as he completes his task - I think I would have given up by now Daniel! I like the fact your reading book is there too 😁. Your desk is very tidy. I hope you are well Daniel and helping with your little sisters too? When we come back to school you can show us the final ball. Glad it’s got the best team on it - Arsenal!
29th April 2020
Artist in Residence
This whole lockdown has given new meaning to the phrase “Artist in residence”. Ella has been making good use of her time at home and continues to create her amazing art work. Ella may be naturally talented but she is not wasting that talent and works hard every day on something she loves. Well done Ella -it’s lovely to see you. I know when we come back to school you will have plenty of art to show us all. Perhaps now is the time to create an on-line gallery 🤔
25th April 2020 A BIG WELL DONE!
I have checked your active accounts this morning ( it's too cold today to sit in the garden) and well done to the following children who have been regularly on their accounts: Joel, Cara, Ella, Tadiwa, Daniel O, Rihanna, Jordan, Teniola, Kacper, Obehi, Lina, Kymani, Nishat and Tanisha. Ten house points to all of you when we return to school. I have sent a parentmail to remind some of you that you still need to be doing work at home - we have worked hard to get you to where you need to be for secondary school and now is the time to show how much you have grown and matured by ensuring you do some work at home, even if it is a little bit each day that is still better than nothing. You will be going to secondary school soon so it is best to be prepared - remember knowledge is power!!
I have included a new star The Oak National Academy - it is a website with lots of online lessons.
23rd April 2020 St George's Day and a birthday!
Hello Year 6!!
Today is St George's Day, the patron saint of England. Most countries around the world have a patron saint. You will also know, from looking at the Shakespeare work we left for you that this is also the same day William Shakespeare was born and died!!!! It is also my daughter's 9th birthday. A strange day but also a lovely day to spend together in the garden - she is like most of you and understands things will be different for a while.
Here is a picture of St George slaying the dragon! And a picture of the cake I made!!!
11th April
I hope you are all keeping well and not eaten all of your Easter eggs yet !
Don’t forget to ask your parents to send in images of what you have been up to. If they do not have twitter they can also send images to:
Good Friday 10th April
Easter - this is a special time in the Christian Calendar. A time when Christians give thanks for the sacrifice made by Jesus.
Whatever your beliefs, this is a time for all of us to be thankful for those looking after us or helping us.
Here is a link you can read to learn more about Easter.
9th April
As you all know, I am such a great cook! Here is my attempt at a pancake. Have you learned any new skills whilst off?
8th April
I hope you are all keeping well. Please make sure you are looking at your active learn account - you have reading and maths on there and I am able to check who has completed tasks. Any other work you do can go into your purple book.
I have been reading lots, I hope you have too - find a topic you really enjoy and learn more about it.
Here is an update on the baby robins. They are getting bigger but have yet to fledge their nest. I didn’t realise they have speckled feathers whilst chicks.
5th April 2020.
Look what I discovered in my shed! Even in times like this there are amazing things happening.
3rd April 2020
Hello there!
It feels like I haven't see you all in a very long time and I hope you are all keeping well? It is a very strange experience for all of us and although I am a thousand years old I have not experienced anything like this before. So here are some of my usual words of wisdom that I know you all miss so much:
Think positively - things will get better and eventually back to normal. You are old enough to realise to some extent what is happening so you need to be mature and make sure you are helping your parents as best you can. This might mean tidying your room without being asked (), or reading with a younger brother or sister to give your parents time to do other things like make you dinner (
Try to keep to a routine. So try not to stay in bed too late or go to bed too late as like it or not you will eventually be going back to school () and you need to keep your brain exercised. Try to do some school work every day, you know how important reading is - knowledge is power remember- but it doesn't have to be your school reading book, we have put lots of links on the home learning page; it could even be one of the many podcasts if you prefer to listen to a story.
Keep in touch with your friends. When you are busy looking at your K-pop! and TIKTOK, please remember to also ask your friends how they are doing? Those of you who do not have mobile phones, try and email each other and have a chat or strangely, this is something you might find amazing, pick up the phone and have a nice talk with a friend!!
Do the right thing. As hard as it is, you must follow the guidance set for all of us. You can go in your garden, walk around the block with your parents but you should not be out and about playing football in big groups or having a K-Pop gathering around a friend's house - the sooner we all follow the rules and wash our hands regularly too, the sooner we can all return to normal - I am sure you would much rather be able to be outside then stuck in!
Here is a useful quote: " Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better"
Remember, this time off is not a holiday, I have had to still go into work but it would be lovely to see what you have all been up to so if your parents have twitter (you shouldn't as you are too young of course!) then please ask them to send images of you and a brief description @Marsh_Green1.
Speak soon and hopefully see you all soon
love Mrs Bell x
ps. I saw this and thought of you.