Year 6
Year 6 Leavers Video - Part 1

Year 6 Leavers Video - Part 2

Please send photos or videos of your children working/baking/painting/having fun to:
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Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. This is an important year for your child and we know they will have a successful and happy final year with us at Marsh Green. This year will be a very busy year for the children, the staff working with your children and you! As a team we will help your child reach their true potential. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like help with anything your child is expected to learn in preparation for their Year 6 SATs, please do not hesitate to come and ask. If you are unable to see us, you can write a note in your child's diary and we will get back to you. As always, thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at Family Fridays, Marvellous Maths Mondays and of course our amazing Christmas production.
Mrs Bell and Miss Ali

6AA Autumn Term Reflection

6NB It's A Wonderful World