Developing our Art Skills
We made our own viewfinders and used them to develop our understanding of perspectives - we developed our ability to draw a foreground and background.
Making Blood!
Children of Winter
Join us on a journey to the 17th Century - when England was ravaged by the Great Plague!
We will be learning about life in the 17th Century, what caused the plague and what people believed caused the plague! We will also be learning about the human circulatory system and linking this knowledge to how knowledge of the human body has developed over the centuries.

World Book Day
Family Friday Pompeii Role Play
6AA Role Play
6NB Role Play
The Impact of a Volcanic Eruption
In order to warn the people of Naples about the dangers they face from Mount Vesuvius, we also investigated the impact of volcanoes around the world. We learned about the physical impact on the land, the financial impact and the human impact.
The Life of Hokusai
Volcanoes Through Art
We looked at the life and art work of Hokusai, an 18th Century Japanese artist. He is famous for drawing 36 different versions of Mount Fuji, which is only a fraction of the 30,000 pieces of art work he created.
Hokusai Art
Our Interpretations of Hokusai's Art
ICT Skills
We used our research and word processing skills to produce information comparing Pompeii in 79AD and Naples today.
Writing Skills
In order to show our learning and how we have progressed over a topic, we write a "cold task". This is a sample of writing demonstrating our knowledge about the main genre - as we will be writing a non-chronological report about volcanoes and saving the people of Naples, our cold task was also a non-chronological report. Here is an example of a cold task.
In this short topic, Year 6 will be learning about the power of volcanoes. They will focus on the devastating power of Mount Vesuvius and use their knowledge of volcanoes, the role of volcanologists and the evidence from the destruction of Pompeii to warn the people of Naples of the dangers they face if Vesuvius were to erupt again.
Year 6 will use their research skills to develop their knowledge of volcanoes as well as look at eye-witness accounts from Pliny and non-fiction texts to reinforce their knowledge of the Roman Empire before writing a non-chronological report.
Holocaust Museum Workshop
Year 6 were fortunate to have a workshop looking at primary sources. By looking at primary sources Year 6 were able to interpret life for Jewish people in Germany during World War II.
Important. Informative.
Interpreting Primary Sources
The Highwayman
We looked at this famous poem and role-played our own versions. We analysed the poem and understood the figurative language. We also created effective black and white images of scenes from the poem. Finally, we then had a choice of different genres: make a narrative zig-zag book, create a wanted poster using the laptops or write a newspaper article using publisher.
15.11.19 Children In Need
Parliament Week
As part of Parliament week, we learned about democracy and where it started. We learned about our Parliament and the role of MPs. We constructed Parliament and used our water-colour skills to paint images of Parliament. We also learned about Guy Fawkes and the
reasons behind his actions.
4-8.11.19 Parliament Week Challenge
Eye of the Wolf
Our topic of Africa linked to the story Eye of the Wolf. It tells us the tale of a young boy from Africa, torn from his family, who finds many new friends and family on his journey from one side of the world to the other. Travellers love his stories and he has a special way of communicating with animals.
Year 6 loved this story and the opportunities it allowed for
them to debate: should hunting be allowed; is it right to destroy habitats in the rainforest?
Year 6 had many writing opportunities: diary entries, balanced arguments, narrative flashbacks and character viewpoints.
Evolution and Adaptation
We learned about the significant roles of Mary Anning and Charles Darwin. We learned about Natural Selection and debated the different beliefs about evolution. We learned about how animals around the world have adapted to their environments and pretended to be Darwin’s finches!
We even made our own fossils.
15.10.19 Darwin's Finches
Art Skills
We reinforced our colour-mixing skills when using water colours. We also learned that we could alter the shade of any colour through the amount of water used when mixing colours.
9.10.19 Colour Mixing
Year 6 showed what kind and caring children they are when they visited Saint Martin’s Church.
Ancient Benin
In a short few weeks of being in Year 6 we have learned so much about Ancient Benin. We shared our learning in a KS2 assembly. We also shared our writing linked to our story Eye of the Wolf and our art work linked to the artist Martin Bulinya.
Sharing Assembly 25.09.19
We learned about classification and the importance of Carl Linnaeus. We discovered every living thing can be classified.
Classification Fun!
Art Skills
We developed our art skills through printing our own African patterns.
African Printing!
Stunning Starter!
To start our first topic in Year 6 we visited Colchester Zoo. We had a really lovely day; for some it was their first experience of a zoo.