The Importance of Light Discover more about the festival of Hanukkah (Chanukah).
Light in Christianity Discover why lighting candles are so important in Christianity.
Diwali - The Festival of Light Discover the importance of Diwali to Hindus - the start of the Hindu New Year.
Christianity Discover how Jesus made people stop and think by learning about Christianity.
Buddhism Discover how Buddha made people stop and think through learning about Buddhism.
Judaism Discover how Jewish people celebrate their beliefs both at home and at the Synagogue.
The Festival of Holi Discover how and why Hindus celebrate Holi.
Sikhism Discover more about Sikh beliefs.
Sikh Stories and Beliefs Watch this short video to learn about Sikh stories and how they impact Sikh beliefs.
Symbols in Christianity Discover the many symbols linked to Christianity.
Symbols in Islam Discover more about Islamic symbols.
Symbols of Buddhism Discover the full range of symbols in Buddhism and their meaning.