L.I: To be able to use the 'ture' word ending corrcetly. (All)
L.I: To practice words with double consonant endings. (Extra support)
Re read the sentences and copy them down into your books. Be sure to fill in the missing space with the correct spellings.
Be careful! Some of the words in the word bank are not spelled correctly!
Extra support:
As you have been practicing your double consonants, it is time to try put these words into sentences of your own.
LI: To include eyewitness quotes
Before we can finish our article we need to include some eyewitness accounts. These should come from the people that were at school at the time of the event. Tune in to Mrs Johnson's video to find out how to include these into our article successfully.
Today's Lesson Resources
L.I: Add multiples of 10 and 100 to 4-digit numbers. (All)
L.I: Find 1 and 10 more or less using the 100 square.
For this activity you will need an object which you can throw and catch, for example a soft ball, and a member of your family to play with.
Start at 3248, throw the ball to your family member. Once the person catches the ball, they have to say the number that is the next ten along. Then they throw this back to you and you say the next ten. Keep going until you have both caught the ball ten times each.
For example, 2154, 2164, 2174, 2184 ....
Now try 5891, counting in 100s this time.
Can you count backwards in 100s from 6191?
Extra support - complete this activity but start at 7 and count up in 10s, then start at 112 and count back in tens.
Learning Challenge
LI: To learn about family life in Ancient Greece
What is life like in your family? What type of home do you live in? Are there any special games or toys that you enjoy?
All families are unique and special, but all families have things that they may have in common. For example, families may always have an evening meal together. Or some families may expect children to help around the house.
What I would like us to now think about is what family life was like for children in Ancient Greece.
Task: After reading the information on the webpage (link below) write a diary entry from the point of view of a Greek Child
Extra Support Task: Once reading the information on the webpage (link below) draw a picture that shows what a typical day was like for children in Ancient Greece. You can use the pictures on the webpage to help you, for example you could include Greek pottery, make sure the children are dressed in the clothes of the time and include some Greek toys in your picture.