Wb 22.6.20
22nd June 2020 - 25th June 2020
Here are a range of activities the children in school will be completing, please send in photos of your child working at home so we can add them to the class page. Please remember there are reading and maths activities on the ABACUS app too which all children have a password for.
Thank you.
Henry VIIIth Fact file - create a fact file about Henry VIII and his six wives. Identify what key events happened in his reign and why. Remember the features of a fact file: facts, key relevant information, bullet points and formal language.
National Schools Sports week - The children in school will be completing a range of challenges: dribbling a ball in and out of cones over sixty seconds, how many bounces with the tennis racket and ball, a hula hoop challenge, quick-fire turning over of cups challenge, basketball shots within sixty seconds, skipping challenge. Your child can choose which activity they would like to do.
National School Sport Week at Home
This is an annual campaign to celebrate the power of sport. You can choose from a list of activities under a particular theme each day. An example of a theme is Aiming Sports, you could choose an activity such as ... In the box – see how far away from a box you can get and still land your ball on target. Then challenge yourself to improve your personal best.
National School Sports Week Activities
Plant a Sunflower - we will be planting sunflowers this week and watching them grow over the next 5 weeks. If you would like a sunflower and a small flower pot, please let the office know and I will leave the resources in the office. Please send in photos of how your sunflower has grown. You could keep a photo diary of how it grows. Use your maths skills to measure it. Keep a record of the weather and whether the sunflower grew more some weeks than others.
Life cycle of a plant - create a life cycle of a plant. Use an A4 or A3 piece of paper. Remember to record the stages in the correct order and annotate (label) your diagram.
A biography of Vincent Van Gogh - write a biography about the artist Vincent Van Gogh.
Create a piece of art using Van Gogh as your inspiration - The Sunflowers, Starry Night are the pieces we will be creating at school. Use a range of medium: paint, oil pastels or pencils.
Create a stop-motion animation - The children in school will be making a stop-motion animation of a growing sunflower. There are free stop-motion sites on line.