Wb 29.6.20
29th June 2020 – 2nd July 2020
Here are a range of activities the children in school will be completing, please send in photos of your child working at home so we can add them to the class page. Please remember there are reading and maths activities on the ABACUS app too which all children have a password for.
Thank you.
History of the Titanic
Create a fact file on the history of the Titanic. You can present this in varies different ways, e.g. through a poster or a PowerPoint.
Titanic News Report
Plan and write your own script for a Titanic news report, as if the technology of today was available at that time - you can then perform it as a news reporter. To help you, you could explore how people all around the world found out about the Titanic disaster.
Create a timeline of the significant events that took place aboard the Titanic.
Create a piece of art using the Titanic or an iceberg as your inspiration.
Investigate the different conditions which affect the melting process