Wk/com 16th November
Things you can practice at home:
- Writing numbers to 10
- Counting to 20
- Adding using physical objects (for example, 2 sticks + 1 stick = 3 sticks)
- Recognising and naming 2D shapes - can you see any shapes around your home?
- Saying what is one more or one less than a given number
- Using positional language such as 'behind', 'next to', 'on top of', 'underneath' - perhaps you could play hide and seek!
Learning through play
Watch the video and then....
Monday - Have a go at writing a shopping list for your perfect birthday party!
Tuesday - Make a fancy bracelet folding a piece of paper and decorating it.
Wednesday - Design your perfect birthday cake using your favourite toppings. (template below)
Thursday - Have a go at one of the maths worksheets below! (Counting candles and adding fruit)
Friday - Who would you invite to your birthday party? Write a card to invite someone to your birthday!