Year 4
Hello Year 4 children, Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the start of what will be a fantastic, fun filled year of learning.
Thank you for supporting your children with their Spring homework related to the theme of Ancient Greece and Sports. It was great to see such a variety of homemade Board games, art work and shape poems.
The children have enjoyed sharing their work.
The wellbeing of our Year 4 children is a priority and we continue to ensure that it is discussed in a positive manner. They have discussed and illustrated class rules, begun to take on general class responsibilities and some have even been nominated as members of our school council.
Our main topic this term is about 'Adventures in our Local Area'. The children have written what they already know and were eager to write questions about what they would like to find out. We will be exploring how Dagenham has changed over time and what still remains the same! During the Summer term, we will have an opportunity to go on a walk around the local area to see some historic landmarks within Dagenham.
This term we have the exciting opportunity to go on a school trip! As we have been writing about Space Travel in our English topic, we thought it would be a good idea to go on a visit to the Science Museum in London. The trip will be taking place on the 26th April. We are very excited to explore the various exciting exhibitions they have on show!
We would like to use this opportunity to remind you of the following:
- All children must read at least three times each week and each parent comment written must be signed
- Reading books and diaries must be brought to school every day
- Children will bring home a spelling list every Monday and will be tested on a Thursday
-Times tables should be practised at home using Times Tables Rock stars. This is especially important this term as children will be taking a Times Tables test after half-term in Summer!
- Children need to be practising all of the spellings from the Year 3 / 4 word list regularly to ensure that they are prepared for Year 5.
- All children should have a labelled water bottle left in school so that they are hydrated throughout the day.
- Finally, all children must wear their full activity uniform to school on a Thursday.
We look forward to working with you and your children.
Mrs Winkler and Mr Williams