Year 5's Proud Cloud
Hello Year 5!
This page is our 'Proud Cloud' where you will find all of the super work that you and your friends from the whole of Year 5 have completed at home or in school.
Myself and Mr Chin love to see that you are still working hard and having fun - well done! Please send in all your fantastic photos and videos to and you might just see yourself on the 'Proud Cloud!'
We miss you all; hope you are well and all keeping safe.
See you soon.
Symmetrical animal picture sketched by Alfie (5AC). Great Job!
16.7.20 - A video message of thanks to us all from Prisha and Priansh.

16.7.20 - For our last day, Prisha and Priansh have sent a message of thanks to us all at Marsh Green. Prisha and Priansh would like to thank us all for our support during the whole academic year no matter what the situation has been. They appreciate all of our hard work during this uncertain period. I, personally, would like to thank Prisha's mum, Puspa, for her wonderful support and dedication to Prisha and Priansh during this pandemic. Thank you.
15.7.20 – Ruth is an inspiration to us all. Her dedication and commitment to learning are second to none. Ruth has begun to write her own book. Please take a look at her story that she has sent me as well as her activity from BBC Bitesize Shakespeare Reimagined, along with a poster she has designed and created. She has worked very hard both in her story about Shakespeare Reimagined, its poster and her story (the book she started writing). She even made all her illustration in the book using Windows Paint program. I look forward to reading more Ruth and hope that it is inspiring you to become an author one day; how wonderful and so creative! I’m extremely impressed.
15.7.20 - Prisha is amazing us yet again with her wonderful yoga talents of Day 26 and 28. She has also written a book review of the book Birthday Boy by David Baddiel and included some beautiful illustrations as well. Maybe you've been inspired by Prisha to write a book review. Why not give it a go? Her book review makes me want to read this book too.
14.7.20 - Prisha practised Day-25 (dolphin pose), yoga challenge with Miss Hatton. 🐬 and Day 26. You are yoga experts! WOW!
13.7.20 - Prisha is missing her friends and me (Mr Cross) a lot so she has made a few messages for me and her friends. She has recreated our classroom setting with all of her classmates including me. She wanted to wear her school uniform too. Prisha, this is so lovely of you and believe me, I am missing you all too. Prisha also practised day- 19 (camel pose) and day 20 ( side-plank) today; it was very tricky for them all.
9.7.20 - Prisha is becoming a yoga expert with all of her practise. She's attempted day-15, bow pose (dhanurasana in Sanskrit), yoga challenge with Miss Hatton as well as day-16 yoga challenge with Miss Hatton- bridge pose. Then, Prisha has was excited to see my video reading the book ‘Evie in the Jungle’ as she has already read this book. 📚 and she's written a book review of this book too - phew, you've been busy Prisha!
8.7.20 - Simi made marshmallow and Oreo cake and it looks delicious 😋
6.7.20 - This weekend Prisha was busy celebrating the birthday of Simi and the NHS. She wrote a poem to tribute the NHS for their hard work. Prish also made a birthday card for Simi - I think we'd all like to wish Simi a very happy lockdown birthday! Prisha and her family also attempted Day-13 cow face yoga pose. It was Indeed a fun pose that we have to spin to swap legs.
3.7.20 - Prisha has been hard at work with her family practising her yoga poses. Here she is with her brother and mum all practising the pigeon pose. Prisha has also used her time to complete work that we have done this week in the Year 6 (6B) bubble all about the Titanic - I particularly like the model you have made. Well done Prisha!
30.6.20 - Simi has been helping her brother out with clearing garden and being a builder. How wonderful to see your collaboration and determination Simi! 👍🏼😃
30.6.20 - Prisha and Priansh tried to get involved in National Sports Week. Each day from Monday to Friday they tried to participate in different activities. Day-1: Socks toss Day-2: Egg & spoon race Day-3: Sack race Day-4: Plate balancing Day-5: Limbo. Wow! Plus, on Saturday, it was sunglasses day, Prisha and Priansh made their own sunglasses from scratch by themselves without any instructions! Lastly, Prisha went to the supermarket yesterday (29.6.20) for the first time in lockdown. Here is her experience. Great work guys!
24.6.20 - As part of National Writing Day, Prisha has written two pieces of writing from Laura Dockrill’s challenges. First one is a poem about a rainbow and the second one is from a point of view of a seed. Such creative ideas, well done Prisha. Did anyone else have a go for National Writing Day?

23.6.20 - How lovely to see Mason back on our Proud Cloud and such an improvement in his handwriting too. It is so nice to see him and see what he’s been up to. Mason has spent his time completing his home learning before investigating some Science. He’s made my own ice cream!!! It was so much fun, that Mason has included the link for the website, for others in our class to try. Give it ago, it looks delicious!
23.6.20 - Prisha has carried out her own science-inspired activities by completing a bug hunt in her own garden. She found some bugs and wrote some interesting facts about those bugs. For Father’s Day this weekend, Prisha & Priansh made a surprise handmade hanging gift, Father’s Day cards and both wrote poems for their dad on Father’s Day. 💝
21.6.20 - Simi has made a delicious looking cake for her father on Father’s Day. Well done Simi. Not only does it look good enough to eat but you’ve used many skills in order to make it and ice it so brilliantly. 🍰 🧁 😃👍🏼

Alfie has been drawing, investigating and also writing a book review on a Tom Gates book. Well done for your continued hard work Alfie!
19.6.20 - Prisha has written a story, ‘The twins and the haunted house’. She planned the story before she started to write the story. Wow! Well done Prisha.
17.6.20 - Prisha has completed some research about online learning and highlighted some advantages and disadvantages. 📝
15.6.20 - Alyssa wrote this short story whilst she was learning on BBC Bitesize. Well done Alyssa. Great baking skills and what a wonderful story!

15.6.20 - Alyssa baked a cake and added sprinkles to her mix! It was Yummy!
15.6.20 - Prisha drew a girl facing backwards using her imagination. She said, the girl has highlighted hair, carrying a clutch bag and wearing a black leather jacket and a jeans skirt. I personally like her hair, it looks realistic. Then, this weekend we celebrated our Queen’s 94th birthday by making paper plate crowns and decorating biscuits with icing. 👑 🎊 🎉 👸🏼 Prisha also drew two portraits of the Queen, front facing and side facing to celebrate her birthday. She also made a family tree of the Royal family.👸 👑 👸 Lastly, Prisha has attempted playing keyboard for our National anthem as a tribute to the Queen in her Official birthday. 🎹 🎁 🎂

11.6.20 - Prisha is always looking for new ideas to show her creativity. This time she has been practicing graffiti to write some of her friend’s names. ✍️ 💡
10.6.20 - This weekend Prisha and Priansh were busy making pancakes and baking chocolate chip cookies. 🥞🍪 Priansh instructed Prisha on how to make pancakes by looking at his home learning activity sheets. It was their first attempt to bake chocolate chip cookies, and it was amazing. 👌 Next, Prisha and Priansh were busy doing activities for ‘World Environment Day’ - Prisha made a poster with this year’s theme ‘Biodiversity’🦓 🦒 🦋 🦅 🌲 💐 and Priansh did an art work using handprint and sticking leaves at the top of fingertips to make trees. 🖐 🍁 🌲 🌳 Them, Prisha completed English challenges 5 & 6. She has also attempted A World Record from TTRS- she tried her best to get involved. Also, Prisha has used her imagination to paint Earth from the surface of the moon and she named it as ‘Earth rise’. 🌑 🌍 During lockdown, Prisha has read 5 books, Bad dad, The girl with space in her heart, The butterfly lion, Oranges in no man’s land (from active learn) and Moondust. She has also written book reviews of each book. 📖 🖊 Wow! Such incredible and imaginative ideas both of you. Well done!
10.6.20 - Prisha's attempt at A World Record from TTRS - she tried her best to get involved.

3.6.20 - Prisha worked very hard to give proper shape to her graffiti writing. She ended up writing her name in graffiti. Her hard work has finally paid off. ✍️
1.6.20 - Simi’s artistic skills have really improved during lockdown. Just look at her impressive paintings of nature on canvas. I love the one with the pink tree and the blue sky - those clouds look 3D! So, so creative Simi. Well done 👩🎤 👩🎨
31.5.20 - Prisha has been so busy again this week. From melting candles, practicing lots of different yoga poses and clapping to show her support for our NHS, Prisha has demonstrated how hard she works. Prisha moulded used birthday candles to heart shapes last week, so we named it as ‘Waxy Wednesday’. 🕯 💓💗💕💞💖 Then, Thursday was ‘Thanking Thursday’. Prisha and Priansh were busy making a thank you message to the teachers. Prisha used a pun to make it more interesting and Priansh painted a lovely flowering spring tree. They also clapped and cheered for our NHS and key workers to thank them for appreciation.👏👏👏 (see video.) Friday ‘Flashback Friday’, where Prisha and her brother recalled their memories looking at their baby photos. 👶 🍼 They were amazed to see their own photos. Prisha cried with joy.😭 Prisha’s weekend was spent being active and sporty with variety of sports. For ‘Sporty Saturday’ Prisha and Priansh had a fun day competing with each other including Prisha’s mum. 🤫 Prisha hula hooped for 17.22 minutes and beat her school record. 👏👏👏 Sunday was ‘Scientific Sunday’ with lots experiments completed by Prisha and Priansh. Lastly, Prisha and Priansh practiced the yoga Challenge set by Ms Hatton in order to stay fit and active. They have been doing their own poses too. Here they are attempting ‘Plow Pose’ or ‘halasana’ in Sanskrit. 🧘♀ 🙏
28.5.20 - Prisha and her brother, Priansh, clapping for our NHS Heroes.

29.5.20 - This is one of my favourite pieces to receive Alyssa. I say this all the time to our class and it’s nice to see Alyssa was inspired by these words from Marsh Green (5GC) She's made this painting to go in her room.
29.5.20 - This is Simi’s beautiful creation. It is very detailed and clearly displays her artistic skills. Well done Simi 🖌 🎨 😃
29.5.20 - Prisha is always extremely busy with school work, house work, playing with her brother and generally being very helpful. Here, she has been nominated for a kindness award for being generous, helping her mum complete household chores and writing her mum kind words. Prisha and Priansh spent the weekend painting the window with rainbow and thanking NHS + KEY WORKERS. 🌈 🌈 🌈. Prisha and Priansh have also created posters for ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’. ❤️💖 Prisha and Priansh had their ‘Movie Monday’. They had fun watching movie- ‘Hotel Transylvania-2’, along with popcorns. Prisha had written movie review too. 🎥 🍿 🎞. Lastly, Today Prisha and Priansh had fun dressing up in our traditional clothes. So, we made today's Tuesday, 'Traditional Tuesday'.❤️💕 Prisha also investigated and wrote some facts of her experience. Great work Prisha! You've been so busy and it is wonderful to see all the amazing things you've been doing. Well done.
29.5.20 - Prisha wrote a piece of work about her traditions. It's well worth a read! Well done Prisha.
29.5.20 - How lovely to see Emili Jokupaite 5GC appear on our Proud Cloud. I love the flower art you've produced Emili!

26.5.20 - Prisha and Priansh have made a short video for us all in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week.

26.5.20 - Prisha and Priansh have been busy painting seashells and stones for Mental Health Awareness Week, with their kind messages. They also made a trophy for everyone at Marsh Green Primary School, for all our support and hard work. 🏆 🐚 They said "You all are HEROES!” Thank you Prisha!
25.5.20 - Simi painted a beautiful sunset in mountains on canvas. She’s demonstrated her fantastic art skills and wonderful imagination. Well done Simi 👍🏼😃.
22.5.20 - Simi clapping for our NHS and Care Workers last night. Well done Simi for showing your support! 👍🏼😃 👏🏼

Thank you for my kindness award Alfie.

Look at these tasty treats Bella made! Yummy!
More excellent work from Alfie. You have worked hard and consistently during this lock down. Keep it up!
21.5.20 - Simi keeping fit with her brother Aaron. Great job guys; an inspiration to us all!

21.5.20 - Prisha is consistently working hard and completing her Home Learning work. Here, she did some research about ‘Taj Mahal’- one of the 7 wonders of the world and drew an art work of Taj Mahal. The work is very impressive and the art skills are amazing!
21.5.20 - Emilia (5GC) is making the most of the summer sunshine at the moment. It is nice to see you enjoying yourself Emilia!
21.5.20 - Prisha has made a short video about her nomination for me to have a Kindness Trophy.

21.5.20 - Prisha has been so kind in nominating me (Mr Cross) for a kindness trophy 🏆 as part her mental health awareness week work. It is so kind of you Prisha and I'm very grateful to you that you took the time to do this for me. Thank you.
20.5.20 - Simi made marble cake and it looks very delicious 😋 😋. Look at your delightful smile too 😃. I hope you saved me a slice! 👍🏼😃😋
19.5.20 - How lovey to see Simi back on our ‘Proud Cloud’ with her and her family’s collaborative art.
19.5.20 - Prisha's busy weekend...........Prisha helped paint the garden fence, played basketball with her brother and did her own maths and English challenges. She made a maths challenge for her friends 👫 and in English challenge she found a special word ‘zoonosis’ which means disease transmitted from animals to humans. How amazing!!! Great work.... and painting skills.
18.5.20 - Here are the answers for “number tricks to confuse my friends” by Prisha from VE Day challenge activity: 1) Draw a slightly curve line above o to make 6. 2) Draw I after V to make Roman numeral VI. 3) Write S in front of IX to make it SIX. Next is Prisha’s research for VE Day which she had completed before VE Day.

18.5.20 - It is wonderful to see Eldon's videos of him doing workouts in his back garden as you can see in the videos; This is truly amazing an inspiring work Eldon. Great effort.

18.5.20 - Eldon has also been doing running (30 minutes a day) with a total of 13 laps going at a high speed on the treadmill.

13.5.20 - Priansh (Prisha's brother) has completed maths challenge activity set by Mr Cross in Year 5’s maths activity challenge for Year 1 and 2. Well done. Such a great effort.
12.5.20 - This is Prisha’s work completing challenges for Maths, English and VE Day.

11.5.20 - Prisha (5GC) has been busy with all areas of her learning and creativity, including helping her mum cook and learning how to cook independently 👩🍳 🥞. She has also attempted the challenges I've been setting on the webpage (and I'm very impressed with the amount of words that you've created!) and she's been getting involved with TTRS too. Great job Prisha!
7.5.20 - Alyssa (5GC) is a budding gardner. She has planted flowers, tomatoes and peppers from seeds. This is how they've grown. Great job Alyssa. Lovely to see how well you've been doing. Keep it up!
7.5.20 - It is so good to see team work and collaboration between Emilia and her brother during the lockdown. I particularly enjoyed seeing the science experiment! Well done to you both.

7.5.20 - Eldon has been demonstrating his commitment to his work by doing homework every day. Since he didn't have a purple book, he has printed the work off the website every week and diligently completed the activities. Check out the photos of him working. It is great to see Eldon; well done and thank you for sharing it with me. Stay safe.
7.5.20 - At the weekend Prisha was busy learning how to make vegetable dumplings with her brother. They were healthy and nutritious and looked very tasty! 🥟 😋 She also exercised on her bike. 🚲 Great job both of you. Definitely chefs in the making!
Alfie set himself a challenge and created his very own computer game! He even debugged errors to make the game run smoother. 👏
Hannah (5AC) has been busy in her house. She has completed some fantastic work, exercised on her bike and also helped with the cooking. I hope you saved me some!
Wow, Bella and her sister have been decorating at home. It looks like you've done a good job so far!

1.5.20 - Prisha has demonstrated perseverance and determination by completing the English challenge activities that we've set. Excellent work and beautifully neat too!
Amelia (5AC) has been busy too! What would you rate the tuna cake out of ten?
Kai (5AC) enjoying time with his siblings. The cakes look yummy!
29.4.20 - Prisha is really trying her absolute best during her home learning and she has completed her maths challenge activities. Here is her work; demonstrating her amazing ability and determination to try her very best. Great commitment Prisha!

28.4.20 - Prisha has been practicing her ukulele during lockdown.

Here we have Olcan (5AC) learning about the Greeks! Your writing looks beautiful and neat. Keep it up :)
Femi (5AC) and his family enjoying the lovely weather last week.
Alfie has been super busy with his lego. A grand total of 1007 pieces were used! It looks like he knows his way around the kitchen too. He has helped his mum with the cooking. Can you guess what Alfie made? Answer will be added here on Friday. UPDATE Alfie helped make a Sheperd's Pie. Did you guess correctly?
27.4.20 - This weekend Prisha was busy doing an experiment at home in her kitchen. Here are the pictures of her science in action. Well done Prisha for carrying out the experiment and then writing it up as a proper investigation! 10 house points to you. Great job!
27.4.20 - Prisha has written an acrostic poem about Coronavirus. 📝 Great ideas Prisha and lovely sentiments. Maybe you could tweet this to the NHS themselves?!
27.4.20 - What a lovely update from Ruth (5GC) on all the things she has been doing during the home schooling lockdown.
This is Ruth's message to us all; "I hope you are all keeping well, healthy and safe. I just want to share what has I have been up to during the lockdown and home schooling. I really miss being in school, my friends, classmates, teacher and all the other lovely staff of the school. Let's all hope for the better and we'll all see each other again the soonest. Stay safe everyone."
Take a look at all off the wonderful activities Ruth has been doing. Well done Ruth - I certainly miss you and the rest of our class. These pictures really brightened up my day. I'm so pleased to see you doing so many wonderful activities. Well done, I'm very impressed. (Mr Cross 27.4.20)
25.4.20 - Prisha (5GC) has been working exceptionally hard during the lockdown and is always sending in work for our 'Proud Cloud.' Well done Prisha; keep it up. This is further evidenced by Prisha celebrating Saint George’s Day and demonstrating her creativity in her learning.

22.4.20 - Prisha from 5GC really enjoyed doing mehndi pattern on her hand. WOW Prisha! It looks beautiful and shows how creative you are! Well done from Mr Cross.
It looks like Corey (5AC) has been busy at home. The salt dough handprints are amazing. You can check how much your hands have grown in a few months! Thanks for sharing your home learning with us Corey.
Here we have Brandon (5AC) showing us his beautiful 'Stay at home' poster. Wise words, thank you Brandon!
16.4.20 - Prisha (5GC) has completed some wonderful research about The British Isles. Well Done Prisha - it looks brilliant!

17.4.20 - Here’s Simi Learning surviving outdoor skills 🥘🥘 today; cooking chicken curry without any gas just depending on wood 🏕🔥
15.4.20 - Simi (5GC) has been showcasing her artistic and creative skills with this lovely artwork. Great job Simi!
Wow! Alfie (5AC) has been very busy with his maths and writing a film review. He has also researched the Ancient Greeks and is keeping fit by participating in karate fitness workouts in the morning. Keep it up Alfie!
14.4.20 - Prisha (5GC) wrote a poem about her brother using homophones.
12.4.20 - Prisha’s Easter Egg Hunt
11.4.20 - Thank you for my Easter card Prisha. It is lovely and so thoughtful. Thank you, from Mr Cross.

9.4.20 - Prisha - 5GC painted rainbows for NHS Nightingale Hospital.