BBC Bitesize Learning
The BBC have launched daily on-line lessons for all children. They are all interactive and can be completed via a computer, phone or tablet; there is no requirement to print anything off. There are 3 lessons each day - a video explaining the task and then the interactive activities to complete. The home-schooling lessons feature a mix of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games. Check back every weekday for brand new lessons.
If you child is working at lower year group expectations from the year group they are currently in, they can access lesson from other year groups by choosing the desired year group from the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons home page:
It is important the children are working at home on a daily basis in preparation for their return to school in September. There will also be work set for the creative curriculum so the children access all areas of the curriculum. Reading books and on-line maths activities have been set via ABACUS.