Things you can practice at home. Complete one maths activity everyday:
- Monday - Counting to 5. Can do 5 jumps? Sing 'Five little ducks went swimming by'.
- Tuesday - Count to 10 and do 10 claps. Then do 10 jumps. Remember to count as you go along!
- Wednesday - Look at a bowl of pasta, (or anything else you have). Can you count out 4 pasta shapes and put them in a row? Can you count out 9 potatoes and put them in a row?
- Thursday - Find something in your house that is round. Find something in your house that is tall. What shapes can you see in your house? Circe? Square? Triangle? Rectangle?
- Friday - Play hide and seek using positional language 'Next to'. Is the ball next to the curtains? Next to the door? Next to the box?