Mrs Bell
Welcome to Year 6 NB
We are now in our final year at Marsh Green and we have a busy year ahead of us. It's only October and we have already had an eventful few weeks: we have broken a world record by participating in the first World Afro day, drummers have performed as part of a borough-wide cultural conference and Silkroad art project and some of us slept on HMS Belfast for a Kip on the Ship experience! Don't worry, we have also been very busy creating some excellent writing, learning how to master fractions, discovering about Antarctica and how animals are classified. Read on to find out more.
Thank you to every parent who attended their child's parents' evening. This is a vital year for your child - please hear them read regularly and ensure they understand the language they are reading. Reading is central to all we do. It allows us to access the world around us and acquire more knowledge.
Homework is set every Friday and due back by Wednesday at the latest. All homework set is linked to learning in school.
Being able to spell well is a vital life skill - your child would benefit from having access to a dictionary at home. Spellings are sent home every Monday. Your child needs to practise each night before their test on Friday.
If you have any questions then please see me in the line or after school.
Here's to a successful year and as a team, helping your child reach their full potential.
What a Year!
Well the time has come to say goodbye. We have had a great year - these children are a lovely bunch of friends and have done themselves, their families and Marsh Green Proud. They are perhaps the nicest children I have ever had the pleasure of teaching in all my years here at Marsh Green; kind, considerate, hard-working, occasionally funny! We wish them all the best!
Here are a few photos of their last party here as Year 6 NB.