Mrs Goko's Message Board!
Hello 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well.
There are lots of exciting games, worksheets and resources for you in the Home Learning area.
Keep checking this page for brand new challenges for you to do at home.
Remember to keep listening to your parents, have fun and keep safe!
Mrs Goko
End of term celebration!


Don't forget to send photos or videos of you completing your skipping challenges to:
Have fun and stay safe!

Don't forget to send photos or videos of you completing your music challenges to:
Have fun and stay safe!

Don't forget to send photos or videos of you completing your skateboard challenges to:
Have fun and stay safe!

Don't forget to send photos or videos of you completing your basketball challenges to:
Have fun and stay safe!
Hello 1OG,
This week is Children’s Art Week. It is taking place online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme. This week’s theme is The Natural World.
"Sunflowers" is one of my favourite paintings by the artist Vincent van Gogh so I decided to paint my own miniature version and share it with you. Watch the video below!
Sunflowers painting!

You can also complete one of our new Arts and Crafts activities on our Home learning page.
Don’t forget to send your art work to:
Stay creative and stay safe!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
I hope you had a good weekend. I’ve been learning how to roller skate, check out the video below!
Roller skating!

Remember there are many ways to stay active and have fun at the same time. You can dance, do some gardening, ride your bike or scooter, help your parents to clean your home or simply splash around in a paddling pool. These activities are also good for your health, happiness and wellbeing.
Today’s challenge
How are you staying active at home? Choose a PE activity on our Home Learning page. Have fun and send your activities to:
Stay active and stay safe!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
Tomorrow (27.6.20) is National Sunglasses Day! 😎
Here is a video of a few teachers wearing their sunglasses at school. Enjoy!
Sunglasses video!

This is Mrs Bell’s daughter who kindly offered to play the piano at school! Doesn't she look cool wearing her sunglasses?

Today’s challenges
Can you design and decorate your own sunglasses?
There are some sunglasses activities for you to complete below too.
As always we love seeing you working hard at home but we also like to see that you are having fun too! So strike a pose in your stylish summer sunglasses and send us a photograph or video to:
Stay cool and stay safe! 😎
Mrs Goko
Sunglasses Activities
Hello everyone!
Today is National Writing day. It is a celebration of the power of writing creatively, inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try writing for fun and self-expression.
Today's challenges
10 Minute writing challenges
For a dose of creativity and fun, check some National Writing Day activities which are set by bestselling authors and illustrators. Click on the link below !
My Dear New Friend
This is a lovely project that encourages children to write letters to people living in care homes. Your letter will brighten someone's day, and you might even get a reply! For more information click on the link below!
Write a poem about a thing you really love
Simon Mole loves porridge. Enough to write a poem about it. What do you really, REALLY love? Poet Simon Mole will talk you through how to write a poem about something you love in his YouTube videos and has a variety of resources. Click on the link to begin!
Have fun writing today!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG!
This week is National School Sports Week. Here is a video of Year 1 keeping active, playing games and having fun. Can you spot Mrs Goko?
Year 1 sports and games

National School Sports Week gives families, communities, schools and sports clubs the opportunity to engage in a series of virtual sporting challenges which help young people capture the enjoyment, competition and fun they have been missing out on during weeks of school closures and social distancing.
Why not ask your parents to help you register and take part in the campaign from today? Anyone signing up will receive videos and activity cards to help them plan a series of challenges across the week for their families, neighbours, friends or colleagues. Click on the link below!
1. Use play equipment, such as balls, ropes and hoops, to invent a new competitive game. Devise a set of rules and teach the game to others in your household. Play a game and keep score. Who is the winner?
2. Britain has produced many great athletes
and sportspeople over the years. Can you find out about a significant person who has achieved great things in their sport? Who has ‘changed the game’, broken new records or supported upcoming competitors in their sport? Write a presentation about your chosen sportsperson.
3. Choose a daily activity such as 20 minutes of walking, running or a workout. Measure your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) before and after each session. What happens to your heart rate? How does this change over the next few days and weeks?
4. Choose a favourite song or piece of music and invent a new dance. Move high, low, from side to side, twirl, jump and keep to the beat. Practice your moves and teach it to someone in your household.
5. Plan and set up a circuit or obstacle course of simple exercises. Some ideas include jumping jacks, running on the spot, squats, touching your toes, bouncing a ball and hula hooping. Create clear instruction cards for each exercise with a picture. Challenge your family to a 20 minute fitness session.
Have fun and speak to you soon!
Mrs Goko
Hi everyone!
Do you like music, dance or simply relaxing and calming down? Good news! Mathis, Marishka and Shakira have been busy and have created some really lovely videos just for you!
Today's challenge
Join in with each video and send a photograph or video to:
Remember you can watch more lessons by going to the Mindfulness icon, PE icon and Music icon on our class page.
Enjoy and have fun!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
The Premiere League begins today! Hurray! Can you guess the team my son and I support?
Here is a video of us running around and playing football. I'm sure your football skills are much better than mine!
Football fun !

Today's challenge
Which football team do you support? Who is your favourite football player? You can complete some football activities by going to our Home Learning page and clicking on the football icon below:
Don't forget to send your work to:
Have a great day!
Mrs Goko
Good Morning 1OG,
A few weeks ago we made paper kites at Base Camp. Watch the video below!
Flying Kites at Base Camp !

Take care and stay safe
Mrs Goko
Good Morning 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well. Tomorrow (Saturday 13th June 2020) is the Queens official birthday. You can find out some more information about her birthday and complete a variety of fun activities by going to our Home Learning page and clicking on the icon below:
Here is a video of Base Camp children singing our National Anthem about the Queen with Mrs Johnson!

Arts and craft ideas
Stay safe and speak to you soon!
Mrs Goko
Good Morning 1OG,
Your happiness, health and well-being is important. In our recent Happiness, Health and Well-being Newsletter there is a great wellbeing top tip!
As you know, painting is one of my favourite hobbies and helps me to relax. Here are some more paintings!
What is your hobby? How do you relax? As well as continuing to work hard at home, we would love to to see you happy and having fun!
Share the fun things you have been up to by sending them to:
Have a great day!
Mrs Goko 🎨
Hello 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well. Well done to those of you who have been doing their maths homework online. Keep it up! 😀👍 Don’t worry if you haven’t, it’s never too late to log in. Why not log in today?
This is Leticia doing her online Maths homework!
This is Sophie doing her Timestable Rockstar homework!

Log into Activelearn and Timetables Rockstars.
Please send us photos or videos of you completing your work to:
Have a Marvellous Maths Wednesday!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well. Do you remember World book day? Here is a video of you reading with Year 4 children.
* 1OG reading with Year 4!* 📚

World Book day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it's a celebration of reading. Remember you can read anywhere and everywhere, from breakfast to bedtime! In the park, on the sofa, in a car – reading and sharing stories can happen anywhere at any time.
Did you know that you can listen to amazing stories read by Teachers at Marshgreen Primary School online? Click on the links below!
Bed time stories with Ms Hatton 👩
Today's challenge
We would love to see what you have been reading. Can you write a book review about your favourite story?
Please send your photos, videos and book reviews to:
Enjoy the sun, stay safe and speak to you soon!
Mrs Goko 🌸
Here are some book review templates
Hi 1OG,
Yesterday I went for a walk in my local area and saw two beautiful swans and their babies (cygnets) swimming in a pond. Watch the short video below.
Swans at the pond!

Today’s challenge
Have you seen any animals or travelled to a breathtaking beauty spot? Create a video, take a photo, draw a picture or write a recount about your experience.
Share what you have seen to:
Stay safe and have a lovely day!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
Do you remember when we had a visit from an amazing Orchestra? Here is a video to remind you! Can you recognise the songs?
Orchestra visit! 🎵🎶🎻🥁🎷🎺

Today’s challenges
Write facts or design a poster about your favourite musical instrument. How do you play your instrument? Which material is your instrument made from? Can you create your instrument using recyclable materials?
Here is a worksheet all about musical instruments for you to complete at home.
Please send your work to:
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Goko
Hi 1OG,
Have a look at the work of the abstract artist Piet Mondrain using the Tate kids website What colours, lines and shapes did he use to create his paintings?
Here is my Piet Mondrain inspired painting.
Today’s challenge
Create your own Mondrain inspired painting, drawing or collage. Please send your work to:
Stay Safe!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
Do you remember when we visited Colchester Zoo? Here’s a video to remind you!
*1OG at Colchester Zoo*

Today’s challenge
Visit Colchester Zoo’s website watch some of their videos through their #BringingTheZooToYou YouTube Playlist Can you create a fact file or poster about your favourite animal? Include information such as: where it lives in the wild, what it eats, how it moves and if it is endangered.
Please send your work to:
Speak to you soon!
Mrs Goko
Good morning 1OG!
I’m sure you will have heard that Marshgreen Primary school has been celebrating Mental Health Awareness this week and this years theme is kindness.
I have painted some kindness rocks. A kindness rock is simply a rock that has been decorated with an inspirational message. I hope they sprinkle positivity into your day!
Don’t forget to visit the Health, Happiness and Wellbeing - Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 section on our school website. You will find information, activities you might like to try at home and some online stories. If you try out any of the activities, please share them with us!
Remember you can choose anyone you like for a “Kindness award” and explain why that person was kind. Send a photo/video to:
Finally, kindness doesn’t end here! Let’s continue to be kind all year round, both within our school and at home.
Stay safe, be kind and have a lovely weekend! 😊
Mrs Goko
Good morning 1OG!
Yesterday we made iced biscuits and cupcakes. They were delicious!
Here is the recipe to make iced biscuits (or cupcakes) so you can make them at home too. It’s really easy to make!
How to make iced biscuits
1 packet of plain round biscuits
125g Icing Sugar
15ml Water
1 packet of sweets for decoration (optional)
1 tea spoon
1 plate
1 small bowl
1 sift
* Always wash your hands with soap before preparing food!
First sift the icing sugar into a bowl.
Then gradually add warm water until the icing becomes thick enough to coat the back of the spoon.
Next spread the icing over the biscuits with the spoon.
After decorate the biscuits with the sweets.
Finally eat the biscuits!
What have you been cooking at home? Share your videos and photos with us and send them to:
Take care and stay safe!
Mrs Goko
Good morning 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well. Every morning I go for a walk with my family. Walking is good for you because:
1. It keeps you healthy.
2. It makes you feel calm and happy.
3. It helps you to concentrate more.
Here is a picture of me walking with my son Michael.
How have you been keeping fit during the lockdown? Remember you can go to the PE home page, Mindfulness page or Yoga page in the Home learning section for useful websites online.
Speak to you soon!
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG!
Today is VE Day. It means 'Victory in Europe Day' and marks the day towards the end of World War Two.
This is my drawing of a Spitfire. It is the most famous aeroplane of World War Two!
Devarati at Base Camp wrote a great Diary entry, have a look!
Today’s challenge: Imagine you are a soldier on the front line during the Second World War. You have just found out that the war in Europe is over. Write a diary entry about the experience and how you feel. Can you draw a picture of a Spitfire?
You can also visit our Home Learning page and click on “VE Day” for more information and resources.
Send your work to:
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Goko 💖
Good morning 1OG,
Here is a video about what we did last term. We had lots of fun learning about ‘Africa’. Can you remember any interesting facts? Which activity did you like the most? Enjoy the video below! 😀
Spring Reflections!

Today’s challenge: Paint your own picture!
I look forward to seeing your paintings, remember to send them to:
Stay safe!
Mrs Goko :-)
Good Morning 1OG!
How are you? I hope you are well. Yesterday I went into school to look after children whose parents are key workers. We learned all about VE day. (For more information go to the Year 1 ‘Home learning’ section and click on "VE Day"). Enjoy the video below!
Another fun day at Base Camp!

We also had fun doing some Yoga Challenges at Base camp. Can you spot Mrs Goko having a go in the video below? For more poses go to the ‘Home learning’ section and click on “Daily yoga challenges”.
Base Camp Yoga Challenge!

What have you been up to? Can you do a Yoga challenge? Keep sending in your photo's and videos to:
Miss you all !
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG!
I hope you have been practising your times tables. Well done to those of you who have logged into Times Tables Rock Stars already. Did you know that new games are uploaded on this website every week?
Today's challenge: Log in to : and have a go!
This is Victoria practising her times tables!
Send in a picture or a video of you practising your times tables to:
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Goko
Good Morning 1OG,
I hope you have been making the most of the time you are spending at home, remember even if it is raining, there are still lots of things to do. This morning I've been thinking about all of the things that I am grateful for, so I decided to write some of them down. Have a look below!
Today's challenge: Cut out four paper hearts. Write something you are grateful for on each heart. Share your hearts with your family. Display them and add to them every time you think of something else you are grateful for ! Please send what you are grateful for to:
Mrs Goko
Hello 1OG,
I hope you had a good weekend. We are all living through history and something I have always wanted to do is make a keepsake to look back on. I have saved lots of art work, taken photos and kept a mini diary. Today I will be working on a "Time capsule" with my family. Why don't you make a time capsule to help you remember this time too? I’m going to put my son’s handprints in my time capsule below.
Here are some ideas for you to do at home:
- Complete a time capsule activity pack. (Download the "Time capsule" activity pack below!)
- Some photos from lockdown
- A diary/journal, write about what you get up to each day
- Local newspaper articles
- Any art work you have created
- Write a letter to your future self
- Use paint to make a lockdown handprint family portrait
- Interview your parents like a reporter
Have fun, stay safe and don't forget to send your time capsules to:
Mrs Goko
Time Capsule inspiration
23.4.20 Hi 1OG, Have a look at what I got up to yesterday at school! What have you been up to?

How many superheroes can you name? Who is your favourite superhero and why?
Challenge: Read the Spiderman acrostic poem above. Now write your own acrostic poem about your favourite superhero!
Send your acrostic poems to:
Hello 1OG!
I hope you had a good Easter. Here is what I have been up to far...
Today’s challenge: Share what you have been up to. You can write sentences, draw pictures, take photographs or even send a video to:
@Marsh_Green1 on twitter or
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Mrs Goko
Happy Easter!
Hello 1OG,
How are you? I hope you are all ok. The Easter bank holiday weekend is nearly here, but what is Easter all about? Watch the video below to find out! Today's challenge: Make an Easter card for your family and friends.
Have a lovely Easter everyone!
Talk to you soon.
Mrs Goko
p.s Remember you are not stuck at home you are safe at home!
Maths is everywhere...
Hi 1OG,
I hope you are all well. What is your favourite subject? One of my favourite subjects is Maths. Maths is everywhere, and learning about it doesn’t happen just at school. We use maths many times a day at home too. Numbers and shapes, measuring and solving problems are all needed for simple tasks like measuring out washing powder, making the right number of sandwiches for lunch or cutting a cake into equal sections. Let's try a maths challenge today!
Challenge: How many ways can you make 10? See if you can make 10 using:
- words
- pictures
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- money
- time
Stay Safe!
Mrs Goko
Calling all 1OG artists 👨🎨,
If you've been wondering why there are rainbows popping up in windows around your local area, here's why...
With social distancing and lots of places including many schools closing because of coronavirus , children are connecting with each other by painting colourful rainbows and putting them in their windows for others to see. It is also a way for people to say "Thank You" to all the people who work for National Health Service (NHS) because all these workers (doctors and nurses etc) can't stay at home they still have to go to work to look after all the sick people.
Have you spotted any rainbows?
Your challenge is to create your own colourful rainbow!
I can’t wait to see them! 🌈